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My husband got out of his car this saturday nite and was attacked by a black man. He called my husband a white cracker m_th_r F_uc_er son of a Bi_ch, then began beating him with brass knuckles. my husband didnt even have time to make a remark. Why should blacks be able to get away with actions like this? If it was the other way around my husband would be in Prison.

2007-02-13 05:12:30 · 7 answers · asked by jules 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

One isolated incident. Sorry about what happened but i'm not racist. Yes it's wrong. But don't become a racist just because some black criminal scum attacked your husband. That would be the tragedy in all this.

2007-02-13 05:56:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Slavery has nothing to do with it. I'm sorry your husband was attacked. Because the guy was black doesn't matter. Jackasses of all races do stupid sh*t. I think there is more to your story. If you are going to tell a tale, tell the whole thing. There is no reason why anyone would just attack someone without there being more to it. Where were you when he was attacked? "Blacks" don't get away with a damn thing. I'm sick of people like you that make that generalization about black people. So, are you going to be one of those people that when you see a black person, you'll start a fight for no reason, say something asinine or better yet teach your children the way to racism..... You want someone to feel sorry for you and your husbands plight what would you have said if it was a white guy that beat him down?

2007-02-13 13:34:20 · answer #2 · answered by tequilanikki 3 · 2 0

The man that attacked your husband is a racist so white people are not the only racist people. I hope you and your husband are ok. No one should get away with actions like that press charges.

2007-02-13 13:22:32 · answer #3 · answered by lara 5 · 2 0

You have GOT to be joking! Whites have been persecuting and killing African Americans for years not to mention the Natives of this land and other ethnic groups too! You think about his countries history of how they treated other races doesn't warrant the right to fight back now and then? Compare maybe 150 incidents of racially motivated crimes against whites in comparison to thousands BY whites. Whites have multiple hate groups and are recruiting new people every single day. Dish it out but can't take it. Folks get tired of being on the receiving end and they respond in kind and folks whine about it. Your husband got beat up. He wasn't dragged behind a truck until his body tore apart. He wasn't beaten, mutilated, and dumped in a river with a cement castings wired to his body--and this was done to a 14 year old! African Americans get shot, beaten, cut up, castrated. and some of everything else and it doesn't matter if they are 8 or 80. "Walk in my shoes to know my pain and you will never criticize me again".

2007-02-13 13:30:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Part of it is because of slavery in the past and the seperation of blacks and whites with martin luther king trying to speak out for that some black people just stick to there own culture and try to avoid whites.
Also the person who said shut up to you is probably jealous because your better looking than him and he is so ugly and stupid he can't even put a picture on his avatar.

2007-02-13 13:17:30 · answer #5 · answered by scottsmith20 3 · 0 1

White people are not the only racist people. The black man in your story can and should be arrested for assault and battery.

2007-02-13 13:22:53 · answer #6 · answered by Paul K 6 · 2 0

Stop Generalizing.
Do your research on slavery try wikipedia.
Have you ever heard of the KKK what are you a spokesperson for them

2007-02-13 13:23:56 · answer #7 · answered by ABC,123 ..i could go on 4 · 3 2

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