The question is are you still going to be hot 10-15 years from now. I don't know about the percents, but look to the future also. Go to school while you are rakeing in that $ so you'll have something to fall back on when nobody wants to do you anymore.
2007-02-13 05:16:48
answer #1
answered by jjayferg 5
Usually, the split is 50/50, but if the brothel does a lot of marketing / competitive to get into, if could be more.
How much you can charge depends partly on where you live -- major cities can go to $5k depending on how you market yourself, but more typically $1 or $2k for the right age category & overall good looks.
But there are other & maybe better options (less risky) than brothels / houses. Organized crime is a good thing to stay away from if you're not used to dealing with it, and most or all brothels are definitely influenced or controlled by organized crime.
2007-02-13 13:16:44
answer #2
answered by Glen Ulmer 1
This could be a dangerous career choice, as the disease factor is a consideration. The business operator would certainly want a share of your earnings, and from what I have read, usually forty to fifty percent. There is a lot of competition from other sex-trade workers, and as 'hot' as you see yourself, as you get older, your looks will fade. Your earnings would depend on the amount of customers, the sex services you offer, and the price range of the clients. Keep in mind, you could not refuse anyone, and many men are not prime physical specimens. A college degree would provide a lot more financial security for a longer period of time, so think this through before you make a decision based on what you see as a glamorous lifestyle. Best wishes
2007-02-13 13:23:39
answer #3
answered by tylernmi 4
Being a prostitute in a legal brothel is being a "contracted employee," i.e., YOU pay the house for the privilege of working there. They keep you safe and provide a clean environment. You also have to submit to monthly STD testing. Usually, the house takes about 60% and the lady gets 40%.
Successful, enthusastic ladies can make more than $100,000 per year.
But it's more than being really hot. You better be super friendly and extremely understanding. Just because you're hot, that doesn't necessarily mean that your clients will be hot. Your clients might be physically handicapped, mentally handicapped, extremely physically unattractive, etc.
You also need to be prepared to work with couples, or work with other ladies for one client. You will be expected to provide every sexual service (oral, anal, etc).
And WORK is the key. It's not just about spreading your legs for 5 do all the work, you're the one getting paid. It's YOUR job to satisfy the client.
2007-02-13 13:18:50
answer #4
answered by marianne 3
To answer your last question first, you will be making an absolute target of yourself for every weirdo who has to visit a brothel and pay for sex. As to what percentage the brothel will take of what you get, I doubt if they will want much of a percentage of sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, aids, syphilis, gonorrhoea, and the beatings, rape stabbing and possibly murder, so you don't have to worry about them taking too much.
2007-02-13 13:20:07
answer #5
answered by whyme? 5
Well, it is a rather controversial career choice... Anyway, I guess you need to check out various agencies before you pick one to work for. Also check that the other excorts are treated well - you still have a right to fair labour practices etc. And please check their health standards.
(I'm not trying to judge, but is this really really your only option?? Please reconsider. There are so many horrible things that can happen to you, and are you really ready to be considered as a sex object only? I'm sure you have way much more to offer the world. All the best of luck and I really hope that whatever you decide, you will be happy.)
2007-02-13 13:18:52
answer #6
answered by pienk007 2
i don't think they would take a high percentage. I model so the agent doesn't really get that much of what i earn. Depends on how big u are, but i don't know about prostituting. I never knew those places still existed.
2007-02-13 13:14:04
answer #7
answered by gurllucky7 4
ok first thing first is this really what you want to do ? The brothel will take most of your money but at least you will be safer then working on the streets Good luke hope all goes well.
2007-02-13 13:14:24
answer #8
answered by rachrara 2
no prostitution what ever you are hot or sweet but i will say no to it .find some other job u will feel good when you will do some respectful job .u will get .there are some job were beautiful women are needed like air hostress try in it when you will become old then what will happen in prostitution . u know i have seen some cases they become no one . respect ur self
its ur life u can make it good and bad also lock and key is with you were you want to lock your self you decide
2007-02-13 13:24:30
answer #9
answered by "BE HONEST " 1
I've seen reports on tv and have heard from people firsthand about those places and I wouldn't touch any of those girls with dubya's wee-wee. Please rethink your decision and think about your future before committing yourself to endentured servitude. Yes, that's what it is. They make grand promises of how much money you'll make, and then once you're working for them, it's a different story. Where do you want to be 5 or 10 years from now? Do you think that whoring yourself out and being proud to display a bill of clean health over your bed as a job requirement is self-respecting at all and do you think that will get you where you want to be in life 10 years from now? You're wrong if you think it will. Mark my words, because I'm sure you'll ignore them untill you're crying yourself to sleep one night in your semen-smelling room in the middle of nowhere.
2007-02-13 13:20:15
answer #10
answered by jirstan2 4