The GOP of today doesn't stand for conservatism. Goldwater wouldn't be happy with what his party is doing today, he warned us. I'm a fiscal conservative but the GOP has alienated me with their restriction on private lives and wanting to expand the federal government to accomadate the interest of the evangelicals-the biggest social conservatives- fiscal conservatism has lost. The GOP is no longer the party of small government and fiscal responsibility. They have given it all up to appease their biggest voting base- the evangelicals. This is why the Republicans here don't like you. Your questions make people think.
2007-02-13 12:39:00
answer #1
answered by cynical 6
You had to have been educated in a government school to have arrived at your conclusion. That's not an insult to you - it's an insult to the schools. They've not been telling you the truth.
Conservatives believe in less government because the government can only do one thing - take away freedom. Every time a law is passed, a new tax is required, a new program is mandated you are less free. That is not the purpose of the government, and the government today operates so far outside the bounds of the Constitution that any semblence of real freedom may be lost forever.
Conservatives do not make wars. But they understand the need to fight them. And, they understand that the government has a Constitutional requirement to do the fighting. And the US has never started a war.
The government is bigger by legislating religious views? Let's split that one up since it makes no sense. First, why is the government getting bigger, spending more money, hiring more people? Because of large unconstitutional programs that are out of control. The biggest are all Democrat programs and account for over half the budget (social security, medicare, medicaid, dept of education, welfare, etc etc). Eliminate these programs, and the government is cut in half.
Second, as for legislating religious view, you have it backwards. the religious view of requiring a marriage to be between a man and a woman has been the standard for centuries in every culture on the planet. For thousands of years, all people everywhere have agreed that marriage is between a man and a woman. So, who is it exactly that wants to legislate their views on everyone else? Who wants to change a law that's been a part of cilvilized society for thousands of years? Religious conservatives? Think again. You've been fooled into believing propaganda from the left.
2007-02-13 04:14:55
answer #2
answered by R C 2
Where is the right to get your marriages honored by the state. Which Bill of Right is that? What is a legislating religious views? Any church can marry any gay couple. They will not be married by state rights. But where is the government stopping a marriage in a church? Every law is a moral decision. which means every law will have a religious view. A agnostic law is the survival of the fittest. In other words No Law.
Giving and Stealing money at the point of a gun are two things we want decreased. Other than keeping marriage as its been in this country for 200 years. I call that being Conservative. we will not change the Community but keep it the same by adding the pro marriage amendment.
2007-02-13 04:34:21
answer #3
answered by ALunaticFriend 5
Democrats historically have started more wars than Republicans, read your history book. What restrictions on private citizens exactly are you talking about? That is liberal spin that you fell victim to. As far as the gay marriage issue goes, the bans have always been there. It's the activist judges who are making it possible. The laws have been in place against gay marriage for a long time, the problem is that judges were not enforcing it. The states came up with these ballot measures to reaffirm the laws already in place. Every part of your question is totally wrong. You have been highly misinformed about all of these issues.
2007-02-13 04:07:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
How about a more efficient government. If the government was more efficient maybe they could have gotten aid to New Orleans faster. Instead of layers and layers of managers all afraid to make a decision or act in common sense.
Social Security is a mess, and I don't want the same people who brought me Katrina response, the Post Office, and the IRS to be running things.
We need less managers and more government workers on the front lines getting things done.
Ever notice when there is budget cuts, you hear about services being cut? You never hear about the bureaucrats losing their jobs. They always get to keep their jobs. If those jobs were cut, maybe services could actually be increased.
The current US Department of Education has 4,500 employees and a budget of $71.5 Billion.
The current US population is @300,000,000. For the Department of Eductation, that is $238 for every single citizen of the United States. I bet that department could be run more efficiently without reducing the programs, but increasing the efficiency.
2007-02-13 04:18:35
answer #5
answered by ? 6
Michelle, I swear to God (yeah, I said that on purpose) that, if you watch The O'Reilly Factor on Fox News, you will never post a question like this ever again.
Republicans make wars? There was a DEMOCRAT in office for WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam.
1) Nixon got us out of the Vietnam war.
2) Reagan made war with the Soviet Union extremely unlikely because his actions encouraged the Russians to dismantle their "evil empire".
3) Bush Sr. liberated Kuwait, and then decided NOT to continue into Iraq (he left it to his son to clean up the mess). He "postponed" a war.
4) George W. Bush liberated Afghanistan and Iraq so that everyone could enjoy the many benefits of democracy. He made it possible for millions of WOMEN to go to school in Afghanistan. The new Iraqi consitution guarantees the rights of WOMEN.
Do you see some little, itsy-bitsy, teeny tiny benefit to what Bush did? Good.
Now, what the hell are you saying about "legislating their religious views"? Towns can't even put up traditional Christmas displays anymore in this insane PC world.
Do you know why it would be disasterous to permit same sex marriage? Pay close attention, because this is important: we can't permit same sex marriage because the law is a tricky thing. As soon as you remove the narrow definition of "marriage" as the union between one man and one woman, you absolutely cannot prohibit other groups from demanding their interpretation of marriage.
This is not some ********, unfounded fear, it is exactly what lawyers themselves are saying. Because of equal protection under the law, you cannot then "discriminate" against people who want marriage defined as:
a) a disgusting, perverted old man and a young boy (NAMBLA)
b) group marriage (some Mormons already do this)
c) the union between a human and an animal
There are so many crazy people out there that I'm sure there are other types of marriage I haven't even considered.
Has anything I said made an impression on you? If not, you are not paying attention.
2007-02-13 04:27:58
answer #6
answered by 7
This is largely semantics. Many fiscal and social conservatives believe society works better if (1) people are rewarded for effort, risk-taking, work and innovation and (2) society has some minimal set of rules encouraging conduct beneficial to the person, the family and society.
The latest Republican congress(es) spent FAR too much money, and they paid for it at the polls.
Defense of America and its interests, militarily if necessary, is important - some would say more important to Republicans than to Democrats.
I think a conservative would be more likely than a liberal to attack "perstictions on the private citizen" such as the mcCain-Feingold law and the Kelo decision.
Martin Luther King advocated "legislating [his] religious view[]" that all men were created equal - read his Letter from a Birmingham jail, where he called segregation "sinful" and contrary to "the moral law, or God's law" and advocated ignoring that law.
2007-02-13 04:05:28
answer #7
answered by American citizen and taxpayer 7
How does any of that make government bigger? Republicans want less of a Federal government and more of a state government. They don't want to determine every little thing that goes on in your lives. They want to privatize Social Security, which lessens the government. They don't want to socialize health care like liberals, which actually increases government. They want the federal government to be there to keep order on a national level and to protect our borders from foreign invasion.
As for you saying that they want to legislate their religious views, that is the people of America voting for what they believe to be a moral issue. The people voted not to allow gay marriage on more than one occasion. I know Democrats who voted against it also. As far as I can remember this country enacts laws based on votes by the people, which is what happened. Let the gay marriage thing go. I mean seriously are you going to keep bringing it up forever? How many times does it have to get shot down before you quit?
2007-02-13 04:08:24
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I been wondering the same thing. I thought that was the platform a few years ago to get government out of my private life. I was right there cheering them on. I'm seeing where they want to make more laws and constitutional amendments inflicting someone else's opinion on my life, the ability to invade my privacy, and try to remove several of the first 10 on the Bill of Rights. They build another layer of government to manage it, regulate it and spend more money evaluating it. I thought they were going to cut government spending. Oh well, not sure who is going to clean it up either.
2007-02-13 04:03:44
answer #9
answered by Margaret K 3
in the conservative model, the purpose of federal govement is primarily the military.
and how does banning same sex marriage make goverment bigger? what is the new agency to regulate something that would not exist? they do have a tendency to pass laws in line with thier fath, but how do these laws make govement bigger? laws do not always equal an increase in goverment spending.... if that were the case, it would be impossible for ANY side to do anything BUT make the goverment bigger.
2007-02-13 04:16:50
answer #10
answered by foo__dd 3