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What are the causes and effects of fascism and the world war? Thanks!

2007-02-13 03:53:54 · 4 answers · asked by Besch 4 in Arts & Humanities History

4 answers

I would look at the inter-war years. You had peace treaties after WWI that really shafted the losing countries. These countries were extremely depressed economically. This led the way for anyone that could bring these countries out of their current situation to be able to rise quickly in power. For example in Nazi Germany, Hitler made some great strides in bringing economic stability and advancements. This caused the people to look to him as an effective leader and follow him in his radical ideas. The same is true of Mussolini in Italy. He brought great change for the people who were so depressed and they were willing to follow some of his other policies.

2007-02-13 04:30:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Effects Of Fascism

2016-12-14 18:31:47 · answer #2 · answered by pariasca 4 · 0 0

fascism wasnt a big effect for italy as they never were any effect for world war 2 they would of been better off neutral

hitler and his men they took fascism and its ways up another level when they helped franco out with the spanish revolt of 1936 then they invaded chechlosovakia then hitler went from there

2007-02-13 05:56:28 · answer #3 · answered by random at its finest 6 · 0 0

you could call it 'to the victor the spoils' and talk about the relationship between Stalin, Churchill and Roosevelt..dicussing the fact that initially Stalin helped cause WWII by signing the molotov-ribbentrop pact in 1939, his reluctance to help Britain in her hour of need, his brutal tactics and leadership, Churchill's defiance to give in, Rosevelt's isolationist policy intiially but his secret wish to aid britain (Churchills war memoirs are fantastic for this) and then discuss the major differences that came up at the Yalta conference in 1945 and how it would later cause the cold war...!?!

2016-03-18 02:10:09 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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