Please allow me to help. Freemasonry is an oath bound fraternal order of men which derives from the medieval fraternity of Freemasonry. We adhere to many of the Ancient Charges, laws, customs and legends of operative Freemasonry. We are loyal to the civilian government under which we exist. We inculcate moral and social virtues by symbolic application of the operative stonemasons' working tools and by allegories, lectures and charges. Freemasonry obligates its members to obey the principles of brotherly love, equality, mutual aid, secrecy and confidence. We have secret modes of recognition that permit members to recognize each other as brothers. We require a through examination into the mental, moral and physical qualifications of a petitioner and we admit men into the fraternity by secret ceremonies based in part on legends of the Craft.
Once a person has decided to apply for membership he fills out a petition signed by 2 members of the Lodge he desires to join. He gives the petition to one of the members along with the necessary initiation fee . The petition is read at the Lodge's next stated meeting when the Worshipful Master will appoint an investigating committee who will interview the petitioner in person. The investigating committee will report back to the Lodge at the following stated meeting when the members present will vote on the petitioner. Once the petitioner is accepted he is given the three degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason. There are certain requirements a candidate must meet before he can proceed from one degree to the next.
One must obtain the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason before he is allowed to wear any Masonic jewelry. One must have a Belief in a Supreme Being. The HOLY BOOKS are an important part of the Masonic Fraternity. No matter what you have heard the Masonic Fraternity is NOT Satanic in nature. The Masonic Fraternity is NOT a Secret Society but rather a Society With Secrets. The Tenets of the Masonic Fraternity are " Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth. "
Suggest if you are interested in pursuing interest in the Masonic Fraternity and are over 18 years of age you contact a man whom you know to be a Mason for further information and an application. If you are under 18 then you can inquire about the DeMoley Organization.
There is a Co- Masonry Organization as the below answerer states however, this body has not been nor doubtfully ever will be recognized by many Grand Lodges of Masons because of certain obligations those of us have taken. suggest your Fiance ignore the Co-Masons Organization especially if he wants to travel and be accepted into other recognized Masonic Lodges as Co-Masons would not be recognized.
If you are a Lady the Masonic Fraternity offers the Order of Eastern Star if over 18 or the Order of Rainbow Girls or Job's Daughters if under 18. For requirements in joining these Ladies Organizations please contact a local Masonic Lodge for requirements MAY vary from State to State.
If no local Masonic Lodge is available then please contact the Grand Lodge of Masons for the State in which you reside.
2007-02-13 04:11:25
answer #1
answered by Marvin R 7
Your fiance is joining a great orgainzation. We strive to improve ourselves and make our communities a better place. We do not worship Satan, and in fact, we do not discuss religion in our meetings at all.
To understand the main concept of freemasonry, you should understand that there are 2 kinds of masonry, operative and speculative. Operative masons are the ones who build out of brick and stone, and use certain tools like squares, levels, trowels, etc. Speculative Masons are a fraternal order that uses these tools as symbols to represent ideals or moral lessons. As an example, the square teaches us to square our actions and deal with each other fairly. The level teaches us that no man is above another, that we are all on the level. All of this is done with ritual that is handed down verbally, as none of it is written. This ritual is performed and presented every time a new member is initiated, and must be rehearsed and memorized. It is the duty of the officers of the lodge to learn and pass on this info.
What you can expect if your boyfriend becomes a Mason will depend on how much he puts into it. Meetings are once a month, and if he simply does that, he will most likely meet a group of new friends at first. If he decides to become an officer in the lodge, there might be a bit more of a time requirement, probably more like 3 nights a month. If he does this, it is quite possible that he will make closer friends in the lodge, and that might affect your lives as you might do more activities with those families.
I have been a mason for many years, and have made some great friends and learned a lot about myself. I have also improved in management skills and public speaking as a result of my work in the lodge, and also get a great sense of accomplishment when working with charities.
Your life will not change greatly. His may, but only for the better. Just remember that this is a fraternity, a brotherhood of men who truly care about helping others and doing good work.
Please do not hesitate to email me with any further questions, and please ignore these other idiots who make false claims about our group.
2007-02-14 01:12:16
answer #2
answered by maboot24 5
I am a 29 yr old mason and i have been one for 6 years. I have two kids from same women who i have been with for 8 yrs.
I tell you all this so you can see if ours lives have anyting in common. Because it doesn't do you much good to hear stories of how Masonry effects the life of 60 yr old retired man if you are still relative young and raising a family..
Email me with any questions you may have. There are very few secrets so ask any question you want
2007-02-13 07:17:48
answer #3
answered by tatimsaspas 4
Hi LoriBeth,
I would like to chime in here. There is actually an Order of Freemasonry called "Co-Masonry," It is Freemasonry for women and men. No, it is not Eastern Star. Women and men work the rituals together. We were first formed in France when the men in a Lodge decided that women had a soul and were valuable. That was in the 1800s.
Co-Masonry was brought to the United States in the 1900s and has been progressing ever since. We have Lodges all over the US, one in Canada, one in Chile, and one in Brasil.
Freemasonry, no matter what Order, is aimed at helping people improve their conduct, their morals. It practices Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. It expects tolerance of all religions.
Co-Masonry admits women and men of at least 21 years of age, believe in a Supreme Being, of any race, who are of good repute, who are tolerant, and wish to turn the lead in their hearts to gold. That is the true alchemy.
If you yourself are interested in learning more about American Co-Masonry, I will include a link to read some and to contact the Order directly. I know all of the folks in Larkspur CO, our Grand Lodge, and they are fine people. You may also contact me if I can be of any further help.
Best wishes,
A Master Mason
Hiram Lodge No. 11 (Santa Cruz, CA)
Amon Ra Lodge No. 9 (Los Angeles, CA)
Sapientia Lodge of Research (Larkspur, CO)
Adamant Mark Lodge No. 3 (Santa Cruz, CO)
2007-02-13 05:35:10
answer #4
answered by NeoArt 6
Hi my husband has been a mason for many years and in my opion it teaches respect , kindness, honesty and stuff like that. It can only make your boyfriend or husband a better man. Also, they have meeting once a month and when he has a chair he'll have to learn a part in this book. sshhh..... it is a good thing. i hope he knows that he can't just join, he has to be nominated and then they vote if he is someone they want. so like if he's not a good gu they probablt won't let him in and they have to pay a small due . they also raose money for charities and stuff. i hope that helped.
2007-02-13 03:47:14
answer #5
answered by hilbilys 1
Same thing happened to my grandmother - my grandfather was approached to join the Freemasons, and so my grandmother went down to the local public library and asked for all the books they had on masons.
The librarian duly obliged and handed my grandmother a pile of books... on stonemasonry. My grandmother flicked through a few pages to feign interest and then handed them back...
As far as I can tell the masons are harmless enough. They're just too old to hang out in a tree-house for their gang rituals.
2007-02-13 04:03:41
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I actual have been on your footwear. It took me seven years after being presented to masonry to connect. i needed to be certain I knew what i became entering into and that i became waiting. I used to take heed to paintings Bell each evening while i became interior the Air stress and heard a ton of fake suggestion on there that sounded genuine so i became leery approximately turning out to be a member of. I met my lady pal some years when I have been given out and her dad and uncle are Freemasons. i found out that those men have been stable men and after going to 3 masonic and shriner purposes, that each and each of the boys are stable, ethical people. i desperate to circulate discover out the fact for myself. I visited masonic boards, masonic web pages, conspiracy web pages, anti-masonic web pages, books, etc. i found out that those anti-masons arise with some ridiculous memories/lies approximately masonry. After finding out for myself that this would be a team i prefer to be a factor of, I approached my GF's dad, who by no ability compelled me ever, and informed him that i needed to be a mason. He helped me from there. this is a ultimate corporation that i'm happy I joined. i'm proud to be a Freemason and Shriner. in case you have any questions, be happy to touch me.
2016-09-29 01:32:29
answer #7
answered by ? 4
He'll need a sponsor to stand up for him, other than that you don't need to know, as it is a "Mans Fellowship" and only a man can travel that road. Sounds harsh but, that's how it is. You may suggest to him, that he check into joining De Mole, and you can join Jobs Daughters.
2007-02-13 03:50:15
answer #8
answered by twostories 4
my dad is one it is good it is like a botherhood for men
2007-02-13 03:43:37
answer #9
answered by jared 3
It's nothing good....sorry.
2007-02-13 03:41:23
answer #10
answered by ticklemeblue 5