40 answers
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shes lost her looks too and i have been told by my mates that i could do better,, its got me thinking...
03:33:09 ·
update #1
i bet i could pull any bird in this place, im wasted being married arent i? i know it sounds shallow but i know im a bit of eye cany for the ladies
03:44:18 ·
update #2
03:45:05 ·
update #3
actually you look a Pratt
2007-02-13 03:35:24
answer #1
answered by fergie 11 4
It appears that you really aren't in love with your wife. If you were than you wouldn't be asking that question. Why don't you do your wife and yourself a favor and let her move on so she can find a man that will really appreciate and love her regardless of her weight. And, you can than find a woman that you find more desirable and that you have more of a connection with.
Could you do better than her? What are you basing this on? Her appearance? Who she is as a person? If it's based on her looks than, sure, I would guess that you could find someone prettier. But prettier does not mean better. If all you really care about is the exterior than I guess you have your answer. It would be sad though if that's what is most important to you in your wife. What would you think if she left you because you were in an accident that disfigured you somehow? You'd probably venture that she was shallow and didn't really love you for who you are but rather for what you looked like.
2007-02-13 03:46:43
answer #2
answered by Anna 2
You are supposed to love someone for their heart and soul and their looks are just supposed to be the icing on the cake. Take your big ego and your "I'm all that" attitude and try to find someone better. You will look back and regret that u let someone go that loves u for some fake hard-body that will leave u for someone better down the road. You will be the one that ends of lonely down the road. Good luck to ya
2007-02-13 03:40:00
answer #3
answered by Amber 6
you definately put yourself out for some hateful comments about shallowness...
if thats the way you are then theres no point carrying on with someone that you obviously dont give a rats a** about. it will hurt her less in the long run if you just end it. i dont agree with it but it seems you wont be happy until you have the size zero on your arm...
2007-02-13 04:25:05
answer #4
answered by maraesa1000 5
no she the one you fell in love with just cos she has put a bit of weight on dont mean you have to find someone new my boyfriend has a body like yours he a bit of gym freak and when i met him i was a size 8 and now im a size 10 and he still loves me the same she can always lose the weight
2007-02-13 03:39:41
answer #5
answered by scrummy mummy 2
You horrid, shallow man. You don't seem so hot yourself, I mean, Y fronts - what were you thinking!?! I bet, as someone else said, she could do better than you. It's people like you that the world could do with less of!
2007-02-13 03:38:27
answer #6
answered by ellietricitycat 4
AS I CAN SEE YOU ARE NOT ALL THAT. I think you are the lucky one to have a wife who puts up with you. obviously you are an ignorant man and do not know that beauty fades. assuming you are good looking which i don't think you are and i am being honest, looks would leave you and when it does what would you have to hang onto?
2007-02-13 03:46:06
answer #7
answered by snowflakes 4
I think it would be wise to take off the rubber suit and let that tummy hang. This may be a shock for your wife but it's best she know the truth.
2007-02-13 04:06:48
answer #8
answered by : 6
Your only as good looking as you feel. Alright - you are hot! Does your wife's weight really outweigh your love for her? If you truly love her don't listen to your friends- listen to your heart. If your wife's weight is getting to be a problem for you, maybe you can encourage her to workout with you! Be tactful when you approach the subject. Remind her that you love her and your main concern is her health NOT her looks. FYI- at one point we all feel we can do better than the people we are with BUT no one is perfect. Unless your feeling for her are gone- make it work!
2007-02-13 03:41:02
answer #9
answered by Butterfly 2
If your not happy in a relationship then leave it , i mean who wants a fat chic tell her to get in the gym i mean its actualy helping her saying that but you cant soley judge a woman on looks i used to but now its charactor first and just attractive looks etc . If you can get a attractive model type girl you would probably end up with a hight profile drama queen who is a pain in the *** .
2007-02-13 04:22:27
answer #10
answered by badass-mofu 5
If she's put on weight it's probably because she's comfort eating from being married to a silly blert like you!
2007-02-13 03:42:35
answer #11
answered by MANC & PROUD 6