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Esp. at the battle of Stanlingrad?

2007-02-13 02:44:48 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

3 answers

The panzers fared well until they reached the gates of Moscow. Unfortunately for them, Russia faced the coldest winter in a century as the oil solidified in the sumps of lorries and tanks. Tankers seen the T-34s plowing through the snow, and their own tanks stuck frozen in the mud.

Stalingrad was the 'death ride' of the 4th Panzer Army. Urban warfare and fighting for a dead-bombed out city was not blitzkrieg warfare.

2007-02-13 12:53:31 · answer #1 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 1 0

Though at first superior, the earlier panzer models were generally outclassed by Russian armour by 1942. This lead to the production of the Panzer V Panther, which was a match for the Russian T-34. Other German tanks, inculding the Tiger and King Tiger, were incredibley powerful, but suffered from unreliability, and proved too difficult to produce in large numbers. Ultimately, the sheer mass of the excellent T-34 proved decisive.

2007-02-13 02:54:57 · answer #2 · answered by greenname16 2 · 2 0

The panzer's had tactics and well trained solders. But the Russian tanks were superior. During Stalingrad the weather turned so bad that they were not usable. The fuel froze. They also did not have a good supply line and tanks that would brake a small part would not be usable. They had to be left.
The battle around Stalingrad became a battle over infantry soon after it started.

2007-02-13 02:51:39 · answer #3 · answered by Bacchus 5 · 0 0

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