Is it right for dummy festivals to be celebrated as , Valetines day, grandparents day., techer day, etc while true heroes like Cristobal Colom , Vasco De Gama , Robert E. Lee and others are put in the back burner for forgetfullness on the basis of not understandin the minds of that time-period , on the basis of political -correcteness? A country with out heroes is a dead country! Speak up you say you love America ! Where is your mouth?
4 answers
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Arts & Humanities
➔ History
We can not undue the past , we can not erase it , what we can do is learn from it ,but we cannot erase our heroes , the men who brought us our history ,our battles our languages , the men who tru mud ,rain , swamp ,on horse ,on foot , who were then in THEIR right time to do this , we can not erase them! We all err! We are erring right now going to space , but when the men get there and start colonising space , other planets regardless of what happens , we can not forget then! There is always books hidden in someplace to remind us of the truth! Bring back our forgotten heroes of yesterday , we can not ever put ourselves in their shoes!
02:46:26 ·
update #1
Vasco De Gama was a hero, something people today are very afraid to face! My question is an afront to the people who want To erase the very real history of how we are here! I might not get any more answers , but it shows the cowardice of getting an honest answer!
15:18:11 ·
update #2