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12 answers

i can't think of many advantages at all, they play radio friendly crap that they think you should hear, and mtv does the same, commercials that feel like propaganda, while they play the same thing over and over you hear nothing new.

2007-02-12 21:23:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's a good question, I will 'star' it! I love the radio.
I was born in 1947 so there was no TV as a child, but radio was a big deal. I have a TV in the bedroom. When I turn the TV off at night, I turn the radio on to sleep.You have probably guessed I sleep alone! ( Actually when I had a husband he was deaf so I had the radio on all night then too!)
Advantages - radio one doesn't have to be in front of it - we can be anywhere and hear it. The frequency choices are much greater (in Australia anyway).

2007-02-12 20:54:13 · answer #2 · answered by Jan Frost 3 · 0 0

Howard Stern has a great face for radio - THAT's the advantage.

I love radio, because you can be listening to it while occupied with something else. Television requires our full attention; it's a great time-waster. Radio seems more intimate and personal. I think it's better company than TV.

But TV fills in the blanks - could you imagine American Idol without the visuals?

It's a good question.

2007-02-12 20:52:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because they're public access, the government feels it necessary to regulate them somewhat strictly because it's harder to deny access to people who might not be mature or old enough to listen (or watch) the programming.

It's easy for people to pirate radio broadcasts and TV Shows, and much easier to get away with it than if you were downloading them on the internet.

As for advantages, any important alerts or news can be broadcast immediately over the radio or television.

I'm sure more people have access to a radio or TV, and TV service can cost a lot less than internet service (depending on which plans you go with). And you can still get basic TV broadcasts from stations like CBS, ABC, Fox and NBC. So people can stay informed (and keep entertained) for practically free.

They go after different audiences, too... the radio caters to travelers and people interested in music. There aren't many pure music stations left on TV, and you have to watch it at home.

2007-02-12 20:57:17 · answer #4 · answered by Ultima vyse 6 · 0 0

They are both usually live, so when they talk, the anchormen/women have the same pressure of performing. On TV you get to see the nonverbal part of communication so I would guess that TV has that edge, even though they are really good at disguising things....

No kidding the other day we were watching the TV news about how a child was shot (in LA,) during a drive by and the anchor man said something like this "the child was sh i t.....shot rather, as...." the guy kept his cool, though and went on, even though my husband and I were both like, 'no way, he did not just say that!!" It was too funny, we knew he was not doing it on purpose, but they must have quite the poise to do that in front of a camera that is live.

I prefer TV news to radio, though, since I can see clips about what they are talking about...

2007-02-12 20:53:20 · answer #5 · answered by kaliroadrager 5 · 0 0

There are a lot more smart, educated people working on radio than on television. The television promotes handsome boys and beautiful girls and, unfortunately, a good body only rarely comes with a good brain...

2007-02-12 20:50:24 · answer #6 · answered by mrquestion 6 · 1 0

I love listeng to the radio espacaily when i am in here,i have lots more optins i can watch t.v we ha the its called (Lunch sling mdeia)Or Lime wire.bur i love listing to KFI as much as i hate rush lumbuh, its still better than some stupud shows,there no one like blll maha i will gave anythin up to see how much he hates bush.i gues the radio give lot more in depths answers dor what i need.

2007-02-12 20:57:21 · answer #7 · answered by Dove4ever 4 · 0 0

Radio is easily taken along when busy or moving from one place to anther than tv

2014-02-18 03:30:23 · answer #8 · answered by James M.V. 1 · 0 0

Well to start, Facebook can be bad because,if you don't know or haven't noticed, people get on there for hours at a time playing "facebook" games such as farmville and cafe world. With that being said, there are people that actually pay money to get stuff in those games ( like my mom). Another reason I think Facebook could be bad is because it makes it easy to advertise yourself. I can't tell you how many people have profile pictures of themselves getting getting drunk,getting high and other stuff like that. To add on that one, there are facebook "creepers" so facebook can be somewhat dangerous for younger people(usually girls), not to mention it's easy for people to pretend to be someone they aren't in order to get in touch with younger people. Lastly facebook can get you in trouble because people are too quick to write whats on their mind in there little "status box" without thinking about consequences. Word gets around fast. You never know when you "status" can get you in trouble with work, you can ask my best friend about that one.

2016-05-24 04:40:18 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Advantages: information, entertainment
Disadvantages: Wrong information, radiation.

2007-02-12 20:57:17 · answer #10 · answered by BryanB 4 · 0 0

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