Ask Jesus in your life
2007-02-12 14:31:32
answer #1
answered by Lordswarrior 2
I am glad that you are not considering suicide an option.
This is merely a cry for help and your answer is on the way. Ask yourself, what about my life do I hate? Make a list! Next to it make another list - if you weren't you, what is there to like/love about you?
Begin to be greatful for the good things in life and soon you will begin to change your perspective about yourself. Get rid of all sources of negativity in your sphere/life - if you have bad habits replace them. Friend or family who feed you disappointment and negativity loose them fast.
You are the best asset you have and will ever have. You are your only chance! You were wonderfully and beautifully made in the image of God. There's not another person in the world like you. Start liking you cause there are people out there who like you maybe you have over looked them or you have been down the wrong road. Life was meant for living, so quit the pity party, find your purpose in Jesus Christ and you will love life.
2007-02-12 15:15:29
answer #2
answered by Lejok 1
Suicide should never be an option. I would suggest if you hate your life that much to go get help. Set yourself up an appointment at a mental health place. There is help out there and you are not the only one who feels this way. Please get help before it gets worse!!!
And my fu@(*&#$% goodness people don't make this persons life more misserable how disrespectful!!! Grow up!!!
I can't believe some of the $hit you guys are posting. Depression is a VERY serious thing, and it is an illness. It's not just something that can just go away. Do some research before criticizing this young lady. No wonder this world is a fu***ed up place!!
2007-02-12 14:32:29
answer #3
answered by butterfly_tat_luver79 3
How are you going to do anything for all of us in society if you kill yourself?
I know that if I was dead I wouldn't of been able to save my baby brothers life when I caught him from falling off the porch.No one else was around.
I know I've done things in the past for other people that I could of never done if I was dead.
All I'm saying is don't just think of yourself.This is why you feel this way.
Think of others and you'll feel better when you've helped.
There's always someone that needs help.Plus doing this will help you to socialize better.If you're bad at it then keep practicing.
I've been socializing for years and I still suck at it but I'll tell you this.I'm better at it then I was 10,8,6,4,or even 2 years ago.
Get books on how to converse with others.
Find an interest
Get a membership at a gym or something.Get a job.All this could help.Go to the library.
SOMETHING but not that!
2007-02-12 14:45:38
answer #4
answered by Matty G 3
Believe in yourself
Be brave...but it's ok to be afraid sometimes
Study hard
Give lots of kisses
Laugh often
Don't be overly concerned with your weight, it's just a number
Always try to see the glass half full
Meet new people, even if they look different to you
Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless
Take lots of naps..
Be weird whenever you have the chance
Love your friends, no matter who they are
Don't waste food
Take an occasional risk
Try to have a little fun each day.'s important
Work together as a team
Share a joke with friends
Fall in love with someone..
...and say "I love you" often
Express yourself creatively
Be conscious of your appearance
Always be up for surprises
Love someone with all of your heart
Share with friends
Watch your step
It will get better
There is always someone who loves you more than you know
Exercise to keep fit
Live up to your name
Seize the Moment
Hold on to good friends; they are few and far between
Indulge in the things you truly love
Cherish every Sunday
At the end of the day... PRAY
....... and close your eyes
2007-02-12 15:04:03
answer #5
answered by The REBELution! 3
Its a good thing that suicide is not an option. You have the power to change any and all aspects of your life at any time that you want to. Relax and take a little time and make the changes that you NEED to make.
2007-02-12 14:33:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
That is good that suicide is not a option. I would go get some help or spend a little money on yourself go get a massage or a vacation. Speak with your family It really helps gets you mind off of work and trouble!!!1
2007-02-12 14:34:09
answer #7
answered by Jessica Wellls 1
If suicide isn't an option, then you don't hate it so much. You'll be able to change it, and make it worth to be lived. Luck.
2007-02-12 14:34:13
answer #8
answered by robertonereo 4
You don't. You just have the wrong perspective. Think about it .
Somewhere, right now, on the other side of the world, somebody your age is watching her children die of hunger. Somebody your age is risking their life to get to this country where you, lucky you, were born. Somebody your age is getting abused. Somebody is getting thrown out of their home. Somebody is sitting in a room without any legs.
Do you really hate your life all that much?
2007-02-12 14:59:35
answer #9
answered by Konswayla 6
u can never hate life because whether u know it or not someone out there loves u.... suicide isn't an option neither is hurting urself
2007-02-12 14:32:44
answer #10
answered by jenjen 3
And that isn't a question.
Life isn't supposed to be fair, princess, so I suggest you put on your big girl pants and suck it up. As long as there are people who have it worse than you (e.g. people with terminal illnesses, starving children in third world countries), you have no right to feel the way you do. So quit being so selfish and think about others for a change.
2007-02-12 14:33:16
answer #11
answered by Need2Answer?s 1