you say, "you're right. these peeps are deceived."
2007-02-12 14:50:19
answer #1
answered by everything is broken 4
I remind them that Cain and Abel were Eve's children, but one of them found a wife... HOW is that possible if no other humans were created yet! God made Adam and Steve after Adam and Eve! Soon there were lesbians there, too. The bible is not a strong enough basket to put all of my eggs into because of so many contradictions. Nature makes some of us gay and lesbian, and that's all there is to it. And NO - procreating is NOT the only reason we are here. That is in the bible only because in the beginning, the earth had to be populated... THAT WAS THEN. Think of all of the heterosexuals who cannot produce offspring... We are here for other purposes than having children but we aren't sure what other mysteries life has for us.
2007-02-12 16:02:55
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you think about it, that argument doesn't even make sense. Okay, lets say God created Adam and Eve, well, of course the first humans would have to be a man and a woman and heterosexual, or we wouldn't have had a species! None of them can prove that homosexuality didn't exist in the generations after Adam and Eve. I believe that a gene is inherited from a parent. You have to keep in mind that in those days, and even still today, homosexuality was considered a sin to many people. Even if people had homosexual feelings towards another person, many would not act on them in fear that they might be committing a sin.
2007-02-12 15:12:25
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think you got some pretty good answers to your question. Personally I also don't believe in the whole Adam and Eve story since that would make us all one family. But we certainly can't be one family really. It said let us make "man" in our image. It should of been let us make humanity in our image. Adam and Eve were just ones singled out in the story. I don't know if they were real or not. And I certainly can't understand why they would get thrown out for eating a piece of fruit. I don't really know where the Adam and Steve thing came from. I always seen it as a bad joke. I don't know if it was really intended as that or not. I really don't care if it was. If anyone even mentions the Adam and Steve thing, I would like them to explain it to me too, because I know that would be an interesting conversation.
2007-02-12 15:52:23
answer #4
answered by artistguy 3
Depends on the context. For me, I say "that's your religion and not mine, and it shouldn't have any effect on my rights in this country". And I back that up. In a religious context, there ARE Bible scholars who will debate that there is no problem with modern homosexuality in the bible. As for Adam and Eve...they had to procreate to keep the species alive. It's a much different scenario today, when we're in serious danger of overpopulating ourselves beyond the ability of the earth's resources. As a compassionate Christian, this means that you'll be bringing people into the world who have literally NO chance of surviving. You will be the CAUSE of much suffering by not doing something to dampen population growth. (Things are bad now, when there technically IS enough to go around; imagine how nasty it'll get when there's not). And it's not a matter of abortion or anything, where there's a life that you could argue will continue into suffering or else be killed: it's a matter of not-procreating in the first place. There is no life to suffer until you bring it about.
2007-02-13 10:10:57
answer #5
answered by Atropis 5
I really don't try to talk with bible thumpers about these things because they're generally irrational and it's irritating. But if I were forced to, here's what I would say:
The bible cannot be taken literally. Take, for instance, the story of Adam and Eve, since you brought it up. If we hang out some more with them in the Garden of Eden, after the Cain and Abel story and after Adam begets Seth, it says, in Genesis 5,
"5:4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters."
"5:6 And Seth lived an hundred and five years, and begat Enos."
So Seth was Adam's son and Enos was his grandson. But who was Enos' mother? So, either it was Eve or it was one of Seth's sisters. Either is incest. Does that mean that we should practice incest over homosexuality because it was in the story of Genesis and homosexuality was not?
No. The answer is that the bible is not to be taken literally and is to be taken in the context in which it was written. Back in the day, the survival of humanity was in jeopardy. Reproductive facility was precious and couldn't be wasted on homosexuality. Back in the beginning, perhaps incest was the only way to manage survival at times. That doesn't mean we do it today.
This isn't an isolated instance. The bible condones slavery & polygamy and admonishes against all sorts of innocuous things likes shell fish and pork, et cetera, ad infinitum, ad nausium. These ideas no longer find merit among most Christians today.
2007-02-12 15:25:18
answer #6
answered by ftm_poolshark 4
My response is a big "So what?".
Sure, God created Adam and Eve, if we're following the Biblical story. But why in the world would the fact that the first two people happened to be a man and a woman necessitate the fact that all people afterward could be men and men or men and women? It might have started out as Adam and Eve, but that doesn't mean that Adam didn't get it on with Steve too later! Lol, sacriligous, I know, but honestly, the real answer is "Why are you bringing subjective religious reasoning into this debate?".
Hope that helps. If they don't buy it, just ignore them; you usually can't win even with compassion, understanding, logic and reason on your side when faced with stubborn, hateful religious zealots.
2007-02-12 14:33:59
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Simple, in MY opinion. Science is showing more and more that Steve was created that way as well. So God created Adam and Eve AND Steve. And since it seems gay people are created this way, and God doesn't make junk, He HAS to approve!
People who use that fallacious argument, though, have a tendency to not listen to a single word that does not support their opinion. So I don't think that ANY argument you try to use will be accepted in any way.
2007-02-12 15:38:21
answer #8
answered by Tikhacoffee/MisterMoo 6
Probably. I'm still wondering, if God didn't create Adam and Steve, who DID create Steve? Seriously, the whole point of Christianity is that everyone (regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof) sins, and everybody is forgiven for those sins. That's what true Christianity is all about, God and sinner reconciled. Love is sacred, ALL love. Straight, gay, interracial, interfaith, poly, whatever.
2016-05-24 03:43:06
answer #9
answered by ? 4
I'm a gay christian man my self and when people tell me that GOD made Adam and Eav not Adam and Steve I tell them they are right. Although, Eav ate the frute from the tree so did Adam and then sin came upon the world so that made the world less than perfect. That is why this world that we live in is so wacked. If Adam and Eav did not eat the frute then the world would be perfect, but they did and that is why God sent his son " Jesus" to the cross to save us from our sins.
2007-02-12 14:57:10
answer #10
answered by shaneppayne 1
There has never. . .never been any reference to 'Adam and Steve' until recently when Homosexuals started coming out of closets and were looking for acceptance. This is just a political correctness twist to disguise the truth.
Who is kidding who. After all the whole Adam and Eve legend is symbolic to explain to the masses where human life came from and not to doubt the word of God as it is given to you by ancient priests. The Adam and Eve theory is to dispel all notion that there is such a process as evolution.
However on the far side, I am more inclined to believe that we were planted here by Extra Terrestrials, if that is the case then the Adam and Eve legend makes a lot of sense. . . and so is God and all the prophets who went up in 'flaming chariots' and those who 'descended with great noise and flames'. . . .Hey--hey and the Ark a nuclear reactor which could only be handled by certain trained Levis with special clothing.
To end this argument once and for all, just realize that same sex does not produce offspring. The only reason we are on this earth is to procreate and propagate
2007-02-12 15:47:26
answer #11
answered by Anonymous