old rags.....during the depression my grandma and her sisters and mom used to use rags to things like torn up phone books and paper
2007-02-12 13:52:39
answer #1
answered by undercovernudist 6
What else did they have but cloth of some sort....and it's not any more gross than people who still use cloth diapers. You do and get by with what you have, and the resources you have. It's like they say," you always want more money, but, the more you have the more you spend", and it's true, you do with what you have to get by, poor people don't have alot of money, thus, they can get by on pennies or no money a day, and in this day and time I think it's a shame...but, I've been without tampons/napkins for this and used toilet paper, paper towels, cloths, you do what you have to do, and it isn't gross, just some arn't as fortunate as others, and I know I've been without a dime to my name, but, made it weeks with two children to feed, and though we didn't have gourmet meals, we ate, and somehow survived..people take things for granted too much in this day and age, and now that I can afford little things such as tampons and such, I still watch what I spend, because, you never know what is going to happen in the next second of your life, you can go from being filthy rich to on the streets if you don't have someone...so, grow up.
2007-02-12 21:58:23
answer #2
answered by Confused 3
Actually they did use old rags and that is how the saying "On the Rag" got started. And your right--it's not only gross but down right disgusting!!
2007-02-12 21:48:25
answer #3
answered by katlvr125 7
she's right! they did actually use rags! they used them kind of like pads and yes with the layers of clothing no one noticed! Unfortunately we dont wear those layers today!
2007-02-12 21:54:18
answer #4
answered by HeArTbRoKeN 2
Rags they used, and they washed them and used them again.
In addition to being "on the rag" maybe you have heard them called "granny rags."
2007-02-13 13:55:51
answer #5
answered by MaryCheneysAccessory 6
Several layers of cloth which could be washed out afterwards.
2007-02-12 21:48:28
answer #6
answered by Solveig 6
my mom says that back in the 30's and 40's they used something like a cloth diaper. thats all that they had back in the day
2007-02-12 21:52:55
answer #7
answered by susan q 4
Old rags...gross huh?
2007-02-12 21:52:26
answer #8
answered by JenJen 6
2007-02-12 21:52:15
answer #9
answered by amy 2