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Hie guys, just for the curiosity I wanna know what other people out there think about my country Malaysia and us Malaysian people. Please feel free to comment. Thanks!

2007-02-12 12:37:34 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Travel Asia Pacific Malaysia

16 answers

the inquirer seem wanted to know what other people out there think of Malaysia and Malaysian people.
BUT i see a lot of what malaysian think of malaysia !!! (as it always in this room!)

ok, here i am, a foreigner thinking of your country.
as for the country,
i have been to malaysia before. it is not a bad place to go, good weather, good food, relatively clean.

as for the malasian (people),
-as for what i have seen with my own eyes, i have seen minority chinese (not in the capital) had a conversation in chinese language, but when they saw a group of muslim malaysian walk by, they immidiately switch to malay language!
"is this how minority live in malasia?"

-most of the malasia in this room often overly conceited about malasia, and many time ended up scorn down on your neighbor country.
"this is not a friendly type of behaviour."

-you people do not realize that you guys always ask "how good is malaysia" type of question.
then the only people came and telling all the good thing about your country, is malaysian only!!!
"we are rarely seen non-malaysian saying any good about this country."
what a shame?

- your egoistic often drive you to think and say that your country is so diverse in culture, ("we are truly asia", sound familia?)
but in fact the mix in your culture is nothing interesting. every country in asia have this kind of mixing, even greater in variety when you look at india, china, hongkong, thailand or philippin.

for thailand, as another country i had been living in past, their mix of people and culture is a lot more interesting than what you have in malaysia. they got a minority chinese as a PM, then the people that trying to kick him out was infact the chinese in bangkok.
on the other hand, the chinese PM got a strong support from the real thai people in the north!!
the country living quit peaceful except a smal muslim group in southern thailand (amazingly) living close to the north of some country, doing the bombing killing thai-muslim, thai-chinese and thai.
muslim in the rest of the country or even muslim in the south (but living far away from some country) can live with thai in thailand without problem! (wasn't that interesting?)

- your people are narrow mind, you like to blame another people rather than your self.
you see foreigner complain more about malaysian behave, but you will never admit it.

- this is more of what another people thing of malaysia. (not what malaysian think of malaysia.)

it is going to be a lot better for malaysia, if your people being less snooty and bulls-h-i-t.


2007-02-12 20:42:56 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 2 4

Hi Peace! hmm..i'm regret that you've received so many sarcastic answer here..this is actually due to a situation that currently going on in Yahoo answer malaysia travel section.. some users here look at malaysia in political view, which is currently kinda hot and pretty mess up and they are somewhat kinda bengkek/mad at it.. so, i know that you have a good heart and spirit as to want to promote Malaysia and makes it visible to the eyes of the world..but then, i think this is not the way to do it coz in here you might end up getting...what you are getting now.. :-( Well, anyway.. yeah, i know Malaysia and i am a Malaysian and all i can say is i'm proud to be a Malaysian!! cheers!

2016-05-24 03:08:49 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I love the people. Very nice, friendly folks

I love the food. Such a diversity in cuisine. Chinese, Malay, Thai, Indian, all sorts of tasty chow.

I love the scenery. The rocky limestone formations, the dense jungle, the highlands, the beaches, sooo much to see.

I HATE their driving. Stay in your own freaking lane, learn to use a roundabout, and pay attention :p I'm also not keen on the reckless malay on their scooters.

I detest some of the hypocritical laws. I remember a big stink in the new straight times about a crackdown on piracy. They had a picture of a fairly well known shop being raided by police. I went by the shop that afternoon and it was business as usual. So someone posed for some nice pictures, accepted the bribe, then went about their business. It's also comical how easy it is to bribe traffic police.

I loathe the pollution when the fires are going. Every time I've been there during the "fire season", I see all this blame on indonesia, but it's a crock of BS, Malaysians are just as guilty. The last time I was there, there was a "no fires" campaign, but when I took a trip up to krabi I could see THOUSANDS of fires in Malaysia from the plane, and shortly after the Thai border the air was clear. After I came back from that trip I went to Jakarta, and guess what, the air was cleaner there than it was in Malaysia, and I spotted far less fires from the plane. The smoke really gets to me, it makes me feel tired, and nothing better than having your lungs on fire.

2007-02-13 06:10:55 · answer #3 · answered by x_ill 4 · 1 1

Malaysia.. in general, it's a great country to grow up and live in. Diversified community and people because it's a multi-racial Muslim country.

Life here is good, especially the food, the entertainment, and people.. all in this in a city which never sleeps..sort of.. since there are many workaholics concentrated in KL. Building and architecture, well... look at KL and you will see nothing but skyscrapers and tall buldings which makes one wonder where all the trees went to at times.

Anyways, the good part is all there. As for the other side of the country.. let's not go to far. So, i will just name some of it ;)

1. We are rated as No. 2 in global pollution contributor.. WOW!
2. As mentioned, we drive very 'skillfully' around the traffic no matter how congested it is.
3. We are as caring as we can be... we know it. So please stop slowing down to look at the accident across the road ^^

=) Despite of all those negative things mentioned, I'm proud to be a Malaysian..

2007-02-12 19:22:14 · answer #4 · answered by aiksss 2 · 0 0

I'm a Malaysian so i guess this doesnt count...hehehe...but i still want to give my opinion as i'm very patriotic...

First of all i take delight in telling others of me being a Malaysian and i take great pride in explaining Malaysia's diverse culture with people professing different beliefs, practising different traditions, speak many languages...we can be called polyglots as many Malaysians speak more than 2 languages.

The economical success of the country has placed Malaysia on the charts and many are beginning to take notice of this culturally-rich nation. I'm glad that we still maintain many greens in the country though much more can be done to conserve the rich ecosystem Malaysia has to offer.

The people are basically friendly, generous with their smiles...warmth is the word. Unassuming, with a strong sense of celebration...we celebrate each others festivals with pride and are proud to advertise them to the world...and when it comes to food, Malaysians have it all. U want it, we have it....from the
East to the West....from the North to the South....Malaysia is a melting pot of cultures and be astounded by its wide selection of mouth-watering delicacies throughout the country all year round.

Ok, this doesn't mean that i am an ethnocentric person....i appreciate all clutures and I firmly believe we can learn from one another as each culture has its own beauty to present to everyone...and when we all begin to do so, the world would definitely be a better place for all to live in....dont you agree?

2007-02-12 16:22:15 · answer #5 · answered by dyeo66 1 · 1 0

i think malaysia is probably the friendliest country
im malaysian and currently living in australia
i love malaysia, last year, i went to china, and whenever i go into shops, the workers dont say hello, or do u need any help or thanks for coming ect ect, all they said were "are u gonna buy anything or not" most of the time, and i felt really offended.
when i was in malaysia, when i go into shops , they staff were extremely friendly, even my friend from china was shocked.
overall, malaysia boleh:) beats australia:) wooo

2007-02-16 00:59:27 · answer #6 · answered by afasd a 1 · 0 0

To Dubidu:
"We are rated as No. 2 in global pollution contributor", where do you get your information?
I cannot see Malaysia here: http://environment.about.com/od/pollution/a/top_10_polluted.htm
nor here: http://www.peopleandplanet.net/doc.php?id=2871
nor here: http://www.smh.com.au/news/environment/dumpvilles-worlds-worst-polluted-spots/2006/10/19/1160851042842.html
in fact I have searched high and low for some facts to prop up your claim, but i cannot find it anywhere. Would you care to tell us where you get your information from?

To =*=
I visited the website quoted by you and the fellow there (Jack shiles) has a big chip on his shoulder because he feels like he has been conned out of $500,000 (US)
There is a saying in the West: "A fool and his money are soon parted"

I too was invited to KL for a meeting and just like Jack I paid for the first class air tickets, the 5 star hotel and all the food and drinks at the hotel (There was 3 of us who went there, plus all their friends who turned up at the hotel)

They spent the whole weekend telling me about an investment project where the monthly interest returns is 10% per month and they wanted me to invest RM200,000 with them.

They eventually got me drunk at the hotel bar (That bar bill alone came to nearly RM500) and around mid-night I had had enough to drink and got in the lift to reach my room, but they followed me.

They asked me to read through the terms and conditions of the agreement and asked me to sign it there and then.

I sobered up straight away and thought why on Earth would they get me drunk before asking me to sign an agreement? and I decided not to invest in their scheme.

I was wise not to hand over any money because a few months later I heard that one of the fellows had been arrested and was being interviewed by the ACC ( Anti-Corruption Agency)

If this American fellow really feels he has been cheated out of his money he should seek other ways of trying to get it back as I dont think that by setting up half a dozen anti-Malaysian websites is going to do him any good whatsoever.

2007-02-12 22:16:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

i'm a malaysian and simply love everything...the pretty and the ugly side of it..and overall..the country offer everything to whatever people needs!

2007-02-12 16:22:55 · answer #8 · answered by MissChievous 6 · 0 0

I love malaysia. Nice to stay , not so helpful, but quiet and peacefull.

2007-02-14 04:18:58 · answer #9 · answered by ironlady42 4 · 0 0

interesting, diverse, gritty.
women don't have as many rights, but it's a great place to visit and even live.
malaysian people are friendly, multilingual and kind

2007-02-12 12:42:07 · answer #10 · answered by outtahere 3 · 2 0

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