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Im not a Republican but Im sick and tired of U.S. and Bush Bashing.!!!!!! You all sound like Osama....Death to Bush and the U.S! Get a clue. Do you remember the Day of 911? Bush said it perfect. They woke up a sleeping Giant and the world has changed. You are Either With US or agianst US. So for all of those people that have all this sympathy with countries like Iran or Old Iraq, please move there and bash america instead of acting like you are with us....

2007-02-12 11:40:35 · 15 answers · asked by fastfreedombailbonds 4 in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

15 answers

Exactly!!! i am so tired of people Bush bashing also!! no i havn't forgotten 9/11 and never will. You are absolutely right! you are either with US or against US!! i'm glad you haven't had the wool pulled over you eyes by the liberals!!
prepare for alot of nasty answers i posted a question like this once and most of my answers were really rude!
haha see look i'm already getting thumbs down :)

2007-02-12 11:48:55 · answer #1 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 4

Oh Lord, do some of you really still believe Bin Laden had anything to do with 911?

The FBI recently admitted they had no evidence that he was involved. The so-called confession tape of Bin Laden has a number of errors in it. The person supposed to be Bin Laden in it is wearing a gold ring - this is forbidden in Islamic law. The CIA intelligence on Bin Laden states he is left-handed. The guy in the video at one point writes a note with his right hand. Finally, the guy looks nothing like Bin Laden.

Aside from this, it would seem from various sources in the Middle-East that Bin Laden died towards the end of 2001 from illness. This would tie-in with the fact that he was admitted to hospital (I forget where) and was visited by a CIA field agent at that time.

Your loyalty to Bush is admirable, but I think certain information that is coming to light about the Bush administration and 911 may shake that loyalty. This is aside from the way he cheated in the 2000 presidential election. And the illegal invasion of Iraq. And the continuing illegal attacks on Afghanistan.

3,000 American citizens died in 911. How many have foreign citizens have died in Iraq and Afghanistan so far? And Iran is next. What's the difference? Ah, I guess one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist........and you have proven that point admirably.

2007-02-13 07:57:12 · answer #2 · answered by rock_and_roll_machine 2 · 0 0

I am for the US but to be completely honest I don't know what we seem to fighting for anymore. As for 911, that was a very sad day and it made many people wake up but I think that it is time to move on. I am tired of hearing about it. There are many other issues going on in America that need to be handled. I am tired of fighting for all the other countries while ours goes down. What about our education, health, and our future. I am for the troops in Irag but I think it is time to start worring about things going on now instead of something that happened 5 years ago.

2007-02-12 19:46:11 · answer #3 · answered by April F 2 · 2 1

I'm with America, not with Bush. Sorry.

Its called freedom of speech. I don't have to move to Iraq to say Bush is a bad leader for our country.

Hugs && Kisses
♥ Abby ♥

2007-02-12 19:45:18 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

No! Only one American seems to have forgotten 9/11. Osama Bin Laden claimed responsibility for 9/11 and he was thought too be in Afghanistan. We went to Afghanistan, destroyed (temporarily) those (the Taliban) who were believed to be protecting Bin Laden, and ended our search for Bin Laden. Then we went to Iraq! Who sent us to Iraq? Who apparently forgot Bin Laden? Who obviously has forgotten 9/11? Only one person with the power and responsibility as far as I can see. And, YOU KNOW his name, sir or madam!

2007-02-12 19:53:38 · answer #5 · answered by actingas 2 · 1 2

Is baby a little nervous? What are you gonna do? Hate me? Oooooh.... go move with the bush & the dick if you love them so much. Better yet, put your actions where you mouth is & go fight, patriot, let's see YOU do what you believe in, along with the neocoons who agree with you - why are you sitting here, hero?

2007-02-12 19:47:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

It's pretty hard to forget as I prepare to send my husband off to Iraq for 6 months in March, but thanks for the reminder....

2007-02-12 19:45:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

You said it all. Majority of us are sick of it. Go hold hands with France, when you are being attacked, ask France to help. They wet their pants trying to surrender.

2007-02-12 19:45:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Well put, I was just talking about that with my boyfriend. I think it's about time they replay the videos of that day, so everyone can remember the pain and looks of terror on anyone who was near the towers faces!

2007-02-12 19:43:42 · answer #9 · answered by Samantha T 3 · 6 3

Straight out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth.

Can you think for yourself?

2007-02-12 19:44:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

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