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Im going to be a DJ @ my sister's Sweet 16.

2007-02-12 11:34:03 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

5 answers

My sweet 16 was spent........at my house i believe. it sounds so much more fun compared to last year's bday. My sweet 17 included my ex best friend trying to flirt incessantly with my sister and mine's boyfriends. not a good birthday.

2007-02-12 12:11:28 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i understand like some ladies are too girly and boring yet adult men are easily highly cool and relaxing lol and its relaxing to be a tomboy (i grew up with 4 large brothers and my dad and cousin brothers). To be honest i dont imagine she fairly concerns as long as both people in the relationship are satisfied mutually than thats all that fairly concerns. Im 13 and my bf is 16 going to be 17 september23 and hes so sweet. Im satisfied your going to attend to have sex, im waiting too. it may well be a touch awkward relationship a guy thats like 3 years older besides the undeniable fact that it may well be worse, the she large difference between my mom and father is 8 years, a guy my dad knows is married to a lady that 12 years youthful than him. perhaps in case you basically initiate speaking on your mom about it than im particular she'll comprehend and would per chance even savour it that you probably did tell her quite of holding it a secrat. desire i helped

2016-12-04 02:42:51 · answer #2 · answered by lesure 4 · 0 0

i just passed my Sweet 16...
but im not a 17 yrs old girl^^

my day was Great, i hv A lot of friends hanging out with me

nice to tell u that

2007-02-12 11:43:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

not yet but 3 yrs. close to getting it.and it will b awesome

2007-02-12 11:42:43 · answer #4 · answered by ღ♥MadamA.A.♥ღ 2 · 0 1

didnt have mine but i had another one and it was awsome!

2007-02-12 11:37:47 · answer #5 · answered by Zahera♥ 4 · 0 0

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