They did it ON foot, not BY foot. They also used boats and canoes to navigate rivers along the way. If their expeditions interest you, go to the library and get a book containing their diaries of their journey.
2007-02-12 12:28:30
answer #1
answered by No one 7
They used boats where feasible, acquired horse's from the Shoshone [Sacajawea's tribe] to cross the Rockies, and walked the remainder of the way.
Natasha J; they did not 'enslave/misuse' Sacajawea. She was the wife of a Frenchman who went along as an interpreter. Lewis and Clark did not even want to take her with them because she had just had a baby that winter [which Clark helped deliver].
He actually wanted to adopt the child when the expedition was completed.
Crack a history book sometime, maybe it will help you deal with your issues.
2007-02-12 19:39:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Partially and by boat too google lewis & clark expedition
2007-02-12 19:37:38
answer #3
answered by katie d 6
By foot and by boat.
But that's not all they did. They enslaved/misused a very famous Native woman Sacagawea.
And although they are popular and respected among the dominant culture they are not so much among Indigenous peoples. They were at the forefront of expaning the west, what this really means is taking over the west and destroying anything or anyone that got in the way.
2007-02-12 21:28:54
answer #4
answered by RedPower Woman 6
A great deal of it was by boat, they started out on a larger boat, but towards the end they were using smaller canoe type boats. But a good deal of their journey was traveled on foot.
2007-02-12 19:38:54
answer #5
answered by ebby874 1
No they did it by the mile.
2007-02-12 19:36:34
answer #6
answered by Seoul Brother 3