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4 answers

Federal law since 1845 has called for the balloting in all states to be on "the first Tuesday AFTER the first Monday" in November (that is, it can vary from Nov 2 to 8). So in 1864 the voting took place on Nov 8. And that's probably what you're being asked for.

But technically that is the date the ELECTORS are chosen; it is NOT when the vote for PRESIDENT takes place! This vote, by the Electoral College, took place from 1792 till 1932 on the first Wednesday in December. Thus the vote of the Electoral College in 1864 took place on Wednesday, December 7.

(In 1934, after the 20th amendment to the Constitution [the "Lame Duck Amendment"] moved the Presidential inauguration back to from March 4 to January 20, the federal law was changed to move the vote of the Electoral College to the 'first Monday after the second Wednesday.')


To see the calendar for 1864:

2007-02-13 05:49:20 · answer #1 · answered by bruhaha 7 · 0 0

On November 8, Lincoln won by over 400,000 popular votes and easily clinched an electoral majority. Several states allowed their citizens serving as soldiers in the field to cast ballots, a first in United States history. It was widely assumed—and indeed evident in the soldiers' corps—that those serving in the Army were going to turn out heavily for Lincoln; the expectation was validated as Lincoln received more than 70% of the soldiers' vote.
This was in the election year of 1864.

Your answer is November 8, 1864

God Bless You :)

2007-02-12 19:54:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

november 8th 1864 and the only reason why he was reelected because of the unions progress down south was doing great with shermans march. because i believe that lincoln would of been beated by the peace loving mcclean

2007-02-12 20:08:07 · answer #3 · answered by random at its finest 6 · 0 0

Federal elections are always on the first Tuesday in November

2007-02-12 19:40:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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