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i would like to know can i get pregant & will get start my period 4 the frist time

2007-02-12 11:31:35 · 36 answers · asked by baby baby 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

36 answers

jeez how old are you?

2007-02-12 11:35:46 · answer #1 · answered by biggss231 2 · 4 0

To be honest, from this question, you are way too young and should not be having sex. You are still a child.

In response to your question: The bleeding comes from your hymen which was broken during your sexual act. It is a small thin skin across the vagina which when broken signifies you have lost your virginity. You can only get pregnant if you were due to start your period very soon before that and your period will come when your body is ready.

You are worried about pregnancy but what about sexually transmitted disease (STD) as you guys did not seem to have considered any protection. If he has an STD then you have messed your life up from that one short, stupid silly act. You should get pap smears done and also get tested for any diseases that you may have contracted just in case. Get yourself checked out.

It is a shame. Why are kids trying to grow up before their age? Was it really worth it? What made you even consider doing such a thing now? You should respect your body wait until you're married! Please don't become a statistic for God, you and your family's sake or whatever or whoever you hold dear. Girls usually know better than guys so you should have not let it get that far. If he loves you, he would respect your wishes and wait and if he doesn't then he's just not good enough anyway. Take heed, some of the comments are good and we are not saying things to take stabs at you, its for your own good. I pray and wish for you a good life and for a sensible head so you can learn from mistakes and not repeat them. Learn - that's what you are sent to school to do.

2007-02-12 14:07:25 · answer #2 · answered by I want to help 3 · 0 0

Hello sweetheart,

Right first people whats done is done she doesnt need telling off she needs advice jeez give the girl a break yea she might have done wrong but what if she was never told? you dont know that do u? So give her a break!!

OK sweety i can gather that you are quite young, please dont carry on having sex if your not legal to which is 16 years of age!
The bleeding is normal, There is a little piece of skin called the hymen which breaks the first time you have sexual intercourse which can course you to bleed a little.

Did you use protection? if you did then good if not then even tho you havent started your period yet there is a possibility that you can be pregnant as you ovulate before a period. My best advice to you is see your doctor! If your worried to see your doctor then is there someone in the family (an adult) who you can trust to tell and they can help you through it i.e go to the doctors with you etc.

Please dont panic about the bleeding its totally normal!!!
Message me if you are still unsure hunny.

Good luck and dont have sex until your 16.
All the best x

2007-02-12 19:43:51 · answer #3 · answered by Elektra 2 · 0 1

Deer I wouldn't worry so much on what others have said they all still think girls get there period when there young I started mine at the age of 13 but there are some girls who start when they are 9 and some do not start until they are 18. But the one that said your Hymen has popped is right if its your first time having sex then it will pop. Because you have not started your period you don't have to worry about being pregnant but I would worry if he did not use a condom about std's. Know that you have become active you should start seeing a gyn for regular pap test.

2007-02-12 11:44:09 · answer #4 · answered by rosemommy2be 3 · 1 1

hi, how old are you?you see, it depends. If you're about 13-16 years and haven't got your period yet you should seriously think of seeing a doctor.girls have their period early these days. now if it is the first time you are having sex and it is quite normal you bleed. It's only the hymen that have been ripped. nothing to worry. But you should always use protection if you don't want to fall pregnant. Take my advice go and see a gynea and tell him about your problem.

2007-02-12 19:13:06 · answer #5 · answered by havillah k 2 · 0 0

Considering your statements your are way too young to have sexual relations-the bleeding was your hymen(no longer now a virgin)being torn and when you start your 1st period depends on your body clock.If you continue having sex esp when your menses does start how will you handle it-talk to your mother as to what you should do to protect yourself from getting pregnant.Besides getting pregnant you can NOW get sexual diseases and some can prevent you from ever gettin pregnant./ If not your mother talk to someone perhaps a older sister or favorite teacher.

2007-02-12 11:46:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

The real question here is are u old enough to be having sex-- you do not disclose this - if you havent ever done this before it is a "very" natural thing to happen for the 1st time - your age and maturity of your body plays the part in when you will have your period.

2007-02-12 11:41:45 · answer #7 · answered by trouble25652 1 · 2 0

You always bleed when you have sex for the very first time, assuming that it was your very first. And if you haven't started your period yet then no, you can't get pregnant unless you were about to start within a few days... so the question is... did you have any signs of PMS?

PS how OLD are you? If you're sixteen (which is still not an acceptable age at which to be having sex) I would see a doctor about not having had a period yet.

2007-02-12 11:42:25 · answer #8 · answered by kaqu007 2 · 3 3

You really sound too young and if you don't know anything about periods or pregnancy issues too immature to be having a sexual relationship. Stop give yourself time to grow up and go get yourself tested for STDs coz you obviously didnt practice safe sex. No glove no love!

2007-02-16 07:51:14 · answer #9 · answered by sm80 3 · 0 0

you've got a polyp interior, which grew to become into bruised, pushed or torn with intercourse. that's a loop of dermis with tissue interior, form of like a cyst, and that they are sorta uncomplicated. If there is been no discomfort, and you're no longer torn on the floor from something getting too tough and you have used lubricant, then it is maximum probable a polyp. you've got a checkup to have the well-being care provider verify it out.

2016-10-02 01:09:22 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you haven't even started your period, you might be a little bit too young for sex. But yes you can still get pregnant because you actually start ovulating a few months before your first period. If you didn't know that, again you might be too young for sex.

2007-02-12 11:36:11 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 7 0

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