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3 answers

Would depend on what you want to believe.Not twisted facts about who did what to who
Fact.In 1812 the USA invaded Canada.
Fact.The americans set fire to Montreal.
Fact the british realiated,and pudhed the invaders from Canada
Fact The british marched on Washington and burned the Whitehouse to the ground
Fact Lord Liverpool accused the americans of uselessly trying to aid Napoleon
Fact Lots of win loss battles for both sides,all fought on USA soil
Fact.The war dragged on for two years.With no resolution.
Fact.By the treaty of Ghent.The USA upheld the british point.That Canada was british and would remain so

I know there was a lot of skullduggery by the british.Prior to the war the american merchant fleet was subject to harrassment from the royal navy.Nonetheless the reason for the war of 1812 was the invasion of Canada

2007-02-12 15:09:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably the Battle of New Orleans. But the battle occurred after the peace treaty (Treaty of Ghent) had been signed. But communication was very poor and the battle was over before word arrived. Neither side won that war, they just agreed to stop. But the U.S. remained and that was all that was needed. Some refer to this war as the 2nd War if Independence. The Brits never really thought that colonies would remain outside the Empire, now they did.

2007-02-12 19:20:25 · answer #2 · answered by bigjohn B 7 · 0 0

Leading up to the war, the boarding of the USS Chesapeake in 1806.

Battle of Lake Erie drives British back to Canada 1813.

Death of Tecumseh, ending the British/Indian alliance 1813

Battle of Plattsburgh defeats a major combined army/navy British invasion force, 1814

Burning of Washington, attack on Baltimore 1814

Hartford convention presages Civil War 1814

Treaty of Ghent ends war, 1814

Battle of New Orleans fought after peace is declared 1815

2007-02-12 21:11:57 · answer #3 · answered by anywherebuttexas 6 · 0 0

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