Accused witches in the American colonies were not burned at the stake, they were hanged. There was one man during the Salem witch trials, Giles Cory I believe was his name, that refused to confess and they pressed him to death using stones.
2007-02-12 11:47:38
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Witch Burnings In America
2016-10-21 11:49:35
answer #2
answered by centner 4
There was never a burning at the stake in the Colonies. With the exception of one, a man, all other accused during the Salem Witch Hunt were hanged. They began in 1692 and the last trial was in May of 1693, though there weren't any convicted or executed. These were the ONLY witch trials and execution in what would become the US.
2007-02-12 11:19:37
answer #3
answered by aidan402 6
Other answers are incorrect as the question asks about the United States; there was no USA until 1776 and no witches were ever executed since then. Prior to that about 20 witches were executed in the British colonies.
2014-10-26 06:58:09
answer #4
answered by ? 1
There was actually only one person burned as a witch in the US, her name was Leah Smock from Battletown in Meade County KY. and she was 22 years old. A posse visited her father’s farm when she was alone, locked her in a smokehouse, and set it on fire burning her to death. She is the only known person to have been burnt as a witch in the United States. Salem witches were hanged or stoned to death.
2015-04-09 02:52:56
answer #5
answered by Sharon Hodge 1
The other answers are correct.
If it's any use to you, the last burning at the stake in England happened in 1610.
2007-02-12 18:49:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because no one is afraid of the consequences anymore. Laws were created as a deterrent to crime first, as punishment second. Due to an overly "PC" society with too soft a touch for criminals and trouble makers, they choose to think these people deserve more rights/civil liberties than the rest of society, and or they (the perpetrators) are NEVER to blame-they can always find some other entity to point a finger at, or they chalk them up to products of their environment that are unreachable so they discard them - and the ones that ARE not able to be rehabilitated, THAT'S who they spend the money on, and if you tread on their rights the ACLU will get you! so to sum up: 1) too soft on criminals 2) no accountability 3) wasting resources better spent PRO actively as opposed to RETRO actively 4) judges that prefer to make their own legislation instead of following the WRITTEN law 5)too many rights for criminals/too many chances I could go on but you get the gist....
2016-03-12 21:55:20
answer #7
answered by ? 4
all the salem witches were "hanged by the neck until dead"
2007-02-12 11:20:39
answer #8
answered by Anonymous