The most basic difference is in the recovery from the two events. Katrina generated a national response to a disaster. Though many homes were destroyed, there was always a plan for recovery...a rebulding, with the victims being WELCOMED to new places until they could return. Also, there was money form the government to help them through. (and I am not going to debate the worth or worthlessness of the help, just cite it)
With the dust bowl, which lasted form 1931 until 1939 was far worse than any hurricane. The storms destroyed land that was then being farmed, and it was known it would take many long years, if ever, to recover form the destruction. Also, it happened during the Great Depression...there was little anyone could do to help the victims...they were NOT welcomed anywhere else because people, everywhere they went, were struggling for their own survival. What help the government could give was not quick in coming, nor adequate to the need.
2007-02-12 11:36:38
answer #1
answered by aidan402 6
Katrina was a very short period of destruction. The Dust Bowl took a lot more time, several years. The Dust Bowl destroyed crops and drove people out. A little know fact was that much of the Dust Bowl was caused by farming sub quality land. It was prone to drought when a high wind season came and a poor crop. The plants were not there to hold the soil. Katrina did major destruction to private and public structures. One hears a great deal of New Orleans in connection with Katrina. But the storm did not really hit New Orleans with full force. Mississippi got the brunt of the storm, rain and wind. New Orleans had a disaster as they had built heavily on below sea land and the levees were poor. It was more of a man made disaster there.
2007-02-12 11:13:23
answer #2
answered by bigjohn B 7
Katrina= water and black people
dust bowl = drought and white people
2007-02-12 11:50:22
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
water in one, dust in the other? a few hours vs. a few years?
2007-02-12 11:16:52
answer #4
answered by The Man 5
One revolved around... dry dirt and dust. While the other was very wet - and rainy.
2007-02-12 11:17:25
answer #5
answered by It finally happened! 3
One was in Kansas, the other in New Orleans.
2007-02-12 11:15:56
answer #6
answered by DjStabMasterArson 3