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10 answers

Well, since I don't know how much you know about the Vikings, here are some facts that you MIGHT not know:

Fact #1. Viking was an occupation, not a race or nationality.

(1) "We tend to think of the Vikings as a single phenomenal race of Scandinavian warriors, but the reality is more complex. Raids on the British Isles and the coasts of France and Spain were the work of Vikings from Norway and Denmark (Swedish Vikings set out across the Baltic Sea into Poland, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia). The word Viking means one who lurks in a 'vik' or bay, in effect, a pirate."

Fact #2. Over the years, Viking developed from raiding into raiding, trading and/or colonizing. The same person could end up doing all three.

(1) "Vikings were not just pirates and warriors but also traders and colonists."

"Younger sons, political exiles, mercenary warriors and traders all had the option of becoming colonists in the lands now familiar from the tales of returning raiders. Once based in the northern and western islands of Scotland, they could farm and trade and still turn their hand to raiding whenever convenient. And we know from the 12th-century Icelandic Sagas that this is exactly what they did. Svein Asleifarson lived on the island of Gairsay in Orkney in the 12th century, and his lifestyle was recorded in one of these sagas."

"'This was how Svein used to live. Winter he would spend at home on Gairsay, where he entertained some 80 men at his own expense. His drinking hall was so big, there was nothing in Orkney to compare with it. In the spring he had more than enough to occupy him, with a great deal of seed to sow, which he saw to carefully himself. Then when that job was done, he would go off plundering in the Hebrides and in Ireland on what he called his 'spring-trip', then back home just after mid-summer, where he stayed till the cornfields had been reaped and the grain was safely in. After that he would go off raiding again, and never came back till the first month of winter was ended. This he used to call his 'autumn-trip'.' Orkneyinga Saga, chapter 105"

Fact #3. Elizabeth II of Great Britain is the descendant of Vikings.

(2) The Normans, however, were descended from Scandinavian Vikings that were granted parts of northern France (Normandy) in the 8th century. In that respect, the Vikings continued to have an influence in Europe. Likewise, King Harold Godwinson was descended from Danish Vikings. Many of the medieval kings of Norway and Denmark were married to English and Scottish royalty.

(3) "William's place in English history is momentous, and considerable in the history of Europe as a whole also. He not only ended the Saxon age of England, melding the Norman culture into it, thereby creating the modern English culture, but thoroughly changed the role of England in the Middle Ages. His descendants, in one way or another, have ruled England ever since. All the successive ruling dynasties, Plantagenet through Windsor, come from him."

2007-02-12 12:02:23 · answer #1 · answered by Peaches 5 · 3 0

1. "Viking" is something some, but not all, of the Norse people did. The work "vikingr" is derived from an Old Norse word meaning "detour", the implication being it was something you "turn aside" to do, not an everyday thing.

2. The Norse were very style concious. In fact, some Anglo-Saxon chronicles survive that complain not about the raiding and pillaging, but about the fact that Norse bathed frequently, and spent too much time combing their hair. This was bad because they were attracting the Anglo-Saxon girls ...

3. The Norse used patronymic bynames. That is, they had a "last name" based on who their father was. For instance, a man named Magnus has three children: two boys named Sven and Kolbjorn, and a girl named Asa. The boys are known as Sven Magnusson and Kolbjorn Magnusson; the girl is known as Asa Magnusdottir. Sven's kids, Leif and Heitha, are then known as Leif Svensson and Heitha Svensdottir.

This system is still in use in Iceland - which was founded by the Norse. Since they don't use "surnames" (which are inherited from one generation to another), Icelandic phone books are arranged by first name rather than last name.

2007-02-12 14:19:16 · answer #2 · answered by Elise K 6 · 1 0

When they got to Iceland they found Irish monks living ther. THey immediately killed them.
One of the main reasons they prevailed against the Celts in Ireland at first was their cruelty which the Irish later adopted.
At battle of ClonTraf where the Dal Cassans defeated Vikings and their allys Vikings were on the side of the Irish victors as well

2007-02-12 14:25:31 · answer #3 · answered by crackleboy 4 · 1 0

1) The famous "dragon heads" on their longboats were removable depending on what they were doing- during raids they would have them on to frighten the spirits of the land they were attacking to help ensure victory,If they were coming home or trading they removed them.

2) The Vikings liked to travel: They got as far south as Constantinople where they formed part of the Vangarian Guard- Part of the Imperial bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperor.They also settled in what would become Russia- they were know as Rus' and also to Malta (as the Norman kings such as Adam I), Normandy (William the Conquerer).

3) The arrival of the Vikings in what would become England helped force the English kingdoms to unite and fight back- giving birth to English identity and after William's conquest in 1066 helped bring England on to the world stage.

2007-02-12 15:39:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is the quandary, and I flat out am a Packer fan-Green Bay local honestly. Brett Favre was once our hero, he placed us again on best. The means he went out was once ridiculous-Ted Thompson - I don't have anything well to mention approximately. As a fan, it ripped my center to peer him pass. No means was once I on that bandwagon! People must observe that Packer lovers have been out in droves to maintain Favre-it was once NOT us. Now, your announcement approximately erroneous lovers hurts, however you've gotten a factor. I am now not erroneous, I am disillusioned. This hurts. I feel Jerry going to the Raiders is on an additional degree as Favre going to the Packers competitors. Just as he went to the Jets and so much Packer lovers sponsored him one hundred% after the Pack. He wishes to play, I'll provide him that. But, yeah, it appears like a slap within the face. I will constantly love Favre-proper now I am disillusioned with tendencies. But Thompson is the fool who set the ball in movement. Brett Favre is an all out Iron Man. Why might a group placed the whole thing on keep to get him if he wasn't? AND why did not the Packers in 2008? Thompson, now not the lovers.

2016-09-05 07:42:14 · answer #5 · answered by capel 4 · 0 0

the icelandic language is the closest language to the original language spoken by the vikings.

their ships were superbly engineered and some of the fastest at that time.

developed a linear writing system called similar to the rune linear sysetm found in hungary.

they were known for their equisite woodcarving.

2007-02-13 02:38:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We probably need to know what you DO know in order to give you facts you do NOT know. Only then can we make sense of what you request.


2007-02-12 12:33:20 · answer #7 · answered by No one 7 · 0 0

they discovered newfoundland (canada) long before Christopher Columbus arrived in the Americas.

2007-02-12 11:02:33 · answer #8 · answered by mishel24 2 · 0 0

1.They had beards 2. They had swords 3. They liked to pillage. I'm assuming your very uneducated so I hope this will help.

2007-02-12 11:12:53 · answer #9 · answered by DjStabMasterArson 3 · 0 2

they brought farming to Britain and ship building and set up communities

2007-02-12 10:59:27 · answer #10 · answered by James M 2 · 0 1

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