Society does not only hate gay people,it hates anyone who is different. Unfortunately, it is easy to throw "mud" at the gay population as so many people were brought up to believe that being gay was wrong and it was a sin. I am a straight female, who has had mostly gay men and now a number of gay females as friends. Truthfully I find them to be a lot more fun to be around and never picked these people because they were gay, it just happened. But, as you say, they have no choice as to who they are. Being in NYC there is a large population of gay people, but I still see the gay bashing. But, also see the hatred of others, lately of muslims, or anyone who likes like they might be an arab. When I was in school in France I had to deal with being afraid for my life due to the arabs due to the fact that I am Jewish. So, It is everywhere, and not just gays that go through this, and it's not ok for anyone. We are all people, we should all learn to live together. I wish it would happen, but I unfortunately can't see it happening in my lifetime.
2007-02-20 00:37:33
answer #1
answered by lochmessy 6
Society hates anyone that is deemed as different, or outside the "norm" as they refer to it, society has determined what is normal, and if you don`t fit in this classification, society does not tolerate you, not just gays, but some religions, some personal preferences, some groups, take for example, crossdressers, society has decided that women can and do wear clothing of both sexes, but men can only wear clothing made for men, if you deviate from this rule, you are different, and society will not tolerate this, even if you just wear women's clothing, but are hetro as all get out.Some other non normal peoples, those involved in interracial relationships, smokers, drinkers, nudests, swingers, porn stars and those that enjoy them, the list is endless, and gays are only a tiny piece of it.
2007-02-18 11:37:54
answer #2
answered by Heather 3
I couldn't agree with you more. I have had some really great friends that were gay but you wouldn't know it if they didn't tell you. They are just like you and me and I don't think that they should be judged. I think that they are the same as interracial dating. They are outside of the normal so people want to point and stare and laugh and pick at them because it's not something society wants to accept.
2007-02-19 16:12:40
answer #3
answered by jenna24b 1
I agree with you. The majority of our society wwas taught that guys like girls, and girls like guys while growing up, and that's the only way they will have it, and the concept that before birth a person can inherit hormones that makes them gay is just unacceptable... Another part of it is people as a peer thing see gays as uncool, and try to push them out of society.
It's sickining to see how stupid our society is, but hopefully things will change, may take a few decades...
2007-02-19 21:11:48
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Well, I think like it or not, most people are repulsed by homosexuality. Most young men could not take being called that without it exploding into a fight. Fat chix are not as attractive as slim ones either. It's not fair or unfair, it is just a fact of nature. Water is wet. Grass is green.
But I think homosexuals add to this animous by getting in society's face and waving their homosexuality around. I'd call that aggravated aggravation. Also, they hijack other words, like "gay" which has/had nothing at all to do with sex, normal or abnormal, and now we have to call them "gay". If they themselves find the very word so distasteful that they prefer to use another word instead, then what does that say about the underlying distaste of the word's meaning.
I think anyone who has a condition, chosen or not, that makes them distasteful or disgusting to society at large needs to take responsibility for that - it's their cross to bear. If you get certain kinds of disfiguring burns, you wear a mask so you don't gross out the population. It's sad, but that's the deal.
2007-02-12 18:11:32
answer #5
answered by All hat 7
Religion is the biggest culprit. These ignorant sheep have no clue about genetics and probably don't believe in that science anyway. I too am heterosexual but I do know a few gay men and lesbian women. You're absolutely right, they cannot help their genetic makeup and those who bash them are simply idiots. These same type of people are also disgusted to be around handicapped individuals, people of other races and ANYONE else who does not fit their mold. No one has the right to put themselves above another human because of their sexual preference or their appearance, if they do they are garbage and their parents are probably garbage too for raising them that way..
2007-02-12 18:20:31
answer #6
answered by MICHAEL M 2
Speaking for myself only, I don't hate gay people. I personally don't agree with what I believe is a 'lifestyle'. I am very much against the gay lifestyle, but would never hold any contempt against the person. The only time I am very much offended is when I feel that our children are being 'forced' to accept the gay lifestyle. I don't believe that our children should ever be taught to hate, but I do believe that parents have a right to teach their children what the parents believe are moral values. The beliefs the children adopt as adults are entirely up to them. I think hostility for either side is wrong. I personally don't like to hear people bash gay people either.
2007-02-12 18:11:10
answer #7
answered by Oh Suhnny Day 3
I'll answer B, as I'm not homophobic.
Basically I think all homophobic people have some homosexual feelings to an extent, and due to society's rejection of homosexuality, they hate that part of themselves. So when they see someone who refuses to follow society's norms by denying their own identity, they find the same disgust for that person as they do with themselves. This disgust then grows into a deep hate, as to proclaim to the rest of society that they're 100% God-loving and straight. So oddly enough, I believe that homophobic people have underlying homosexual tendencies within themselves. Their actual fear is that they are homosexual--that the homosexual people around them will cause their underlying tendencies to be revealed.
2007-02-12 18:11:02
answer #8
answered by bchic89 2
I agree with bsE89 theres your problem but TRUE Christians don't hate gays just as FALSE Christ...s hate Blacks Hispanics or people of another race Christ only hates sin not sinners you get rid of these SEGREGATED CHURCHES you'd probably get rid of gay hatred Thanks bse89 right on target I've known many mastodons who are one touch away from giving up the buns...Gays can also change but you can't change your race
2007-02-20 10:36:04
answer #9
answered by manoman 4
Anything outside the norm, is perceived as blasphemy, ignorance is intolerable and trying to change peoples mind set is hard and times impossible.
2007-02-20 12:14:20
answer #10
answered by Jade 5