having sex probably brought on her period early. that does happen. the scare probably caused anxiety causing her to faint. bleeding like that is not normal just from having sex the first time. that type of bleeding is usually very light. sounds to me like you both are young. this is one of many reasons why you have been taught to wait she really should go get a check up at the doctors to rule out any medical issues.
2007-02-12 09:22:30
answer #1
answered by jezbnme 6
Yes that is normal. She probably fainted due to the stress and anticipation of the pain associated with the breaking of the hymen and the "first time hype". If she still doesn't feel well after resting or starts to bleed again she should see a doctor.
2007-02-12 18:34:27
answer #2
answered by MsE 3
Heavy bleeding is not normal. Spotting or a little blood is usually fine. She may have tore, she should go to the doctor. I think the fainting was probably nerves. Fainting from blood loss requires a lot of blood loss. She should get checked by the doc.
2007-02-12 17:22:32
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
She might have missed the calculations for her period. That might be why she bleed so much depending on how old she is. The first time you have sex it is "normal " to bleed some because your Hymen is broken, though depending on how long you all were "going at it" might make her pass out, dehydration. Slow it down some take your time, let her breath....and drink some water before you commence.
2007-02-12 17:25:17
answer #4
answered by earthmother6224 2
Yes, it is normal for her to bleed if it was her first time having intercourse. Also, by having intercourse for the first time can cause her to start her period early. As for her fainting, there is heavy breathing during sex and she could have over exhausted herself. She will be fine, just let her rest.
2007-02-12 20:01:06
answer #5
answered by Çåŗőľîņẫ§ħŷġĭ®ł 5
Has she ever had a pap smear or vaginal exam? I would suggest she do that. Yes, there can be bleeding (I didn't), but not that much. She could just be very small. I knew of a young lady who couldn't have sex with her new husband for months because it just hurt her so much. Her hymen wouldn't stretch or break. So, the doctor snipped it for her and taught her to relax and everything was fine.
2007-02-12 17:20:31
answer #6
answered by jboatright57 5
She may have medical problem down there. I did bleed for the first time...but didn't bleed that much! I say bring her to see a doctor to talk about this.
Good forum to ask about this kind of problems is here! People are very nice and friendly, I'm sure it will help you.
2007-02-12 17:20:09
answer #7
answered by Este 7
Well she is going to bleed but two hours is WAY too long. The reason why is because her hyman wasn't broken yet which is what devirginized her. She probaly fainted of nervousness and shock. If that happens again, tell her to go to the doctor.
2007-02-12 17:19:55
answer #8
answered by Chelsea S 2
Its normal to bleed for a little while but I think 2 hours and even passing out from that is TOO much, doesnt sound too normal to me.
2007-02-12 17:20:02
answer #9
answered by Alyssa 5
Not all women bleed on the first time. She is probably very sensitive, she should look into seeing a doctor if it continues, she may have another type of health problem
2007-02-12 17:20:07
answer #10
answered by Dragonfly 2