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i was thinking of going to planned parent hood to get birth control .. i want something that will make my boobs bigger hahaa what kind should i get && what kind of exam to they do !?

2007-02-12 09:12:12 · 2 answers · asked by beybii_giirll 1 in Health Women's Health

2 answers

i have heard ortho tri-cyclen is good for that, but it's different for every girl. planned parenthood may or may not do a pelvic exam, it depends on where you live, how old you are, and if you are a virgin or not. the one near where i live does not require an exam, they only do a pregnancy test because you can't take bc if you're pregnant. check out www.plannedparenthood.org and find the one near you to see if you need an exam. you could also call them and ask- 1-800-230-7526.

2007-02-12 11:50:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you need to wait until you grow up before you think about things like this. If you do go to Planned Parenthood for birth control, they will do a full pelvic exam on you, and then you will talk with them about what type of birth control is best for you.

2007-02-12 18:53:52 · answer #2 · answered by aqx99 6 · 0 1

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