These issues have less to do with intelligence than they do with arrested emotional development. Most conservatives appear to be stuck at the emotional level of a 3-5 year old where magical thinking provides all of the explanations about the big scary world around them. Their first response is to crush anything that scares them, which is just about everything. And then there's the need to control everything that they don't understand or things that don't fit into to their "Father Knows Best" view of the world. It's EASY to follow the dogma rather than ask questions.
On the other side of the same coin are those that create the dogma to use these mindless masses to line their pockets in unholy greed.
People like Chaney and the Bush's and Pat Robertson look and sound like they are insane but really know exactly what they are doing.
2007-02-12 09:43:07
answer #1
answered by GJ 5
Anti-Evolution? Not quite, but there isn't any evidence that a single-celled organism has ever evolved into a multi-celled organism. Evolution explains why people might have different colored skin, but it doesn't explain how humans got here in the first place. Less funding for education/more for military? Well, when you consider that national defense is a constitutional mandate for the government, while education is not, you would see why we are for gutting and cutting the Dept. of Education. Since it's creation, we have fallen further and further behind the rest of the world, and it seems the department is more concerned with pushing an agenda than educating children. Pro-life/Pro-death penalty? Of course. First off, fetuses have a heartbeat and can feel pain within the first trimester, so they are most definitely alive. As for the death penalty, I believe that certain individuals, by virtue of their heinous crimes, forfeit their right to live. Fetuses have never committed a crime, and are thus innocent. People who are on death row have been found convicted, and as such they are not innocent. We aren't anti-intellectual, our positions are carefully thought out. Those on the left are moreanti-intellectual, because they tend to accept what their friends or teachers tell them without delving into the subject and learning about the issue themselves.
2016-05-24 02:17:31
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because 'intellectuals' live in a drug-induced fantasy world where people can live devoid of personal responsibility and satisfy their selfish over-indulgence with no consequences. Conservatives live in the real world, where you should get what you deserve and you usually deserve what you get. While evolutionary biology is evident, there is no more proof that this led to the 'creation' of sentient life than Creationism. Climate change is a natural cyclical occurrence that has happened for millions of years. Why do you think it is that even the tree-huggers agree that the result of rampant warming will be the onset of a new ice age?
2007-02-12 09:30:11
answer #3
answered by gunrrobot 2
Not to mention that they always want to slash spending on education, college aid, etc. They would rather have a dumb, faith-based populace.
Also, not wanting a comprehensive sex education taught in schools, abstinence education is best they say...they just have "faith" that they know all there is to know about sex and teen behaviors...meanwhile teen pregnancy and STD rates climb.
Oh not to mention all the evidence regarding the WTC says that buildings in a pancake collapse don't fall at free fall speeds (it would have taken over a minute w/ the center column still standing)...and science says that jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to burn the grade of steel in that building, and don't even get me started on the barely damaged WTC 7 falling at free fall speed.
I don't always like the truth can be uncomfortable and scary, but I face it anyways.
Sheep, I tell ya, sheep.
2007-02-12 09:20:59
answer #4
answered by ♥austingirl♥ 6
Not all Conservatives, but the these yahoos in the White House at present are sure anti-science at least.
2007-02-12 09:23:36
answer #5
answered by capjr100 1
No not really, it is those on the left that make up conspiracy theories instead of looking at the facts, and that is a better definition of anti-intellectual. The magic word is THEORY
theory1 [ˈθiəri] noun — plural ˈtheories
an idea or explanation which has not yet been proved to be correct
2007-02-12 09:20:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I see you have been sipping the kool-aide again! Yeah climate change to being cold not global warming. What the earth has warmed up 1/2 of 1 degree in the last 200 years? and that's warming?? Tell that to the 11' of snow in NY! I'm surrounded by morons!
2007-02-12 09:17:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It is what makes America great. Differences of opinion. Democracy works best when there is such dialog. Right, wrong , ignorant or smart everyone has the right to his/her opinion.
2007-02-12 09:19:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Us conservatives is not dumb, we is just not smarts. We just wish we wuz all smarts likes you all intiLectual liberals ares that haves all the ansers. we just dreams that we become all knowing one day and switches to democrat party..but 4 now Bush for 08!
2007-02-12 09:18:38
answer #9
answered by airstud8265 2
Nortearner, said exactly what I was going to say. I hate it when people give the best answer before I do.
2007-02-12 09:18:04
answer #10
answered by Count Acumen 5