If you have an intimate examination the doctor will know. He may ask first, just be straight and honest. No explanations are needed just either yes or no
2007-02-12 08:49:27
answer #1
answered by huggz 7
The doctor will most likely ask you if you are or have been sexually active. Everything the doctor asks you is so they can give you the best and most appropriate treatment, so I suggest that you be as open and honest as possible. They will completely understand. Plus, because of your situation I would advise that you get checked out anyways.
I would also suggest talking to someone about your experience. If you are uncomfortable talking to you parents or your doctor there are confidential lines that you can call.
Good luck.
2007-02-12 09:26:45
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Yes, since its an Obgyn doctor, and they are mostly concerned with the genital area, it is absolutely important that the doc know if you are sexually active. they will ask u. or it might be on the form u have to fill out before u go in. u haaaaave to be honest because it is so important.
its good that u are going though, i assume its your first time. i HOPE you used protection that one time. and please be careful in the future, if u feel like ur in a bad situation where u may end up doing something you dont want to do, get away as soon as u can.
2007-02-12 09:22:38
answer #3
answered by SweetDarlin' 3
Most doctors will ask if you are sexually active. I would probably tell the doctor your situation just so she/he can check you out to make sure everything is okay. It might be scary the first time, but it's best to be honest with your doctor so they know the best way to treat you. My obgyn is very kind and discreet. She doesn't make anything uncomfortable for me. Good luck. Don't be too scared.
2007-02-12 08:51:11
answer #4
answered by bettygirl1128 2
Honey, your doctor might or might not ask you those questions but your doctor have a private relationship with you that he or she cannot tell anyone else. So if you feel comfortable I would suggest saying something at your appointment so they can run a few STD test on you to be sure you didn’t get anything. Also try speaking with your parents about getting on birth control. Better safe than sorry... I wasn't planning on having sex or even unprotected sex but it happened and I got pregnant. Good Luck and try to speak with your doctor if you aren't up to talking about with your parents yet.
2007-02-12 08:56:15
answer #5
answered by Autum 1
i'm sorry for how it hapenned, noone should go thru that. And the answer is YES, they do ask you" are you sexually active" but you can choose b/t saying it in front of your mom or not.._relieve_ you should be completely honest with your doctor even thought its going to be a little uncomfortable... they are nice and helpful...they always ask so that you can get tested for and stds or hiv or pregnancy.... or so that you can get on a contraceptive...good luck and o hope everything goes fine and just do it you are a big girl
2007-02-12 08:53:03
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
They may ask but either way if they do a vaginal exam the doctor will see if you hymen is broke, but a hymen can be broken thru other activities as well. You should be honest with your Doctor anyway there may be things to discuss with you and the doctor by law cannot tell your parents what you tell her its a matter of patient confidentially! Good luck!!
2007-02-15 08:27:11
answer #7
answered by BRANDIE 1
i've got in no way been pregnant, yet have struggled with PCOS for some years. in case you basically found out which you may probable have PCOS, you may wait and talk along with your DR approximately suggestions and what he or she thinks approximately your probabilities of having pregnant. i comprehend a lot of what triggers PCOS indications is meals plan proper. So, i'd propose exercising in many cases and reducing out severe sugar meals. In doing this, your classes would be greater customary and your indications will cut back. i'm hoping this helps! Take care and sturdy success!
2016-10-02 00:55:23
answer #8
answered by hamb 4
YES hun they will ask you if you have been sexually active(If your mom goes in the room with you you can ask that she leave for the exam and then tell her in private if you want) but tell her just like you told us....she will encourage you to report it but it's been too long now....There is NOTHING they havn't heard!! (My daughter has had to go in there twice for forgetting a tampon in there)
2007-02-12 09:01:44
answer #9
answered by getriel1 2
Most ask if you are sexually active. Don't be embarrassed to say yes I have had sex one time and I am currently not sexually active and leave it at that. They are not going to say anything to your parents or anybody else for that matter.
2007-02-12 08:52:45
answer #10
answered by be happier own a pitbull 6