im 18 in hs & really have no relationship w/ my bruther at all who's 19 & a soph in college (he commutes). i see him every day but dont really make eye contact. we are both kinda quiet, & neither really talks much to our dad who is kinda the same way, just a little more talkative (he asks just the necessary stuff). my mom talks all the time though. i used to have a connection w/ my brother, but now none at all. is it just a phase, normal, not a big deal, or bad??
8 answers
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Family & Relationships
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Take the first step and talk to him about, he might feel the same way but doesnt know what to do.
If he's mean and nasty about it, screw him.
2007-02-12 08:15:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It just happens sadly that as siblings grow up they grow apart too sometimes. If your dad is also a quiet person then you have seen that while growing up and picked up on it so have taken on some of his personality traits for your own. If you're bothered about it, just make the first move, say hi to your brother - break the ice if you need to by mentioning a really fun time from your childhood. And let him know you'd not like to be a stranger to him. We sometimes think that people are psychic and automatically know what we want / think, yet this is not true. So just be honest with your brother and try to rebuild your relationship with him. But i don't think it's bad - things have just not quite worked out the way you planned, but this happens in many families - not just yours, so don't worry!
Wishing you lots of happiness for the future.
2007-02-12 08:18:36
answer #2
answered by Joyful97 5
its only what you take it as. But it does sound like maybe you feel uncomfortable that there is no communication. Maybe talk to mom to get some of his scoop if your interested or if she even has any . I have a similar relationship with my dad. not much talkin and never i love you its just "okay, bye" got drunk once and told him i loved him and he really didnt respond kinda sucked. Anyway make small talk. or have a bbq and invite. somethin...... good luck im sure he is just dealin with a lot of crap with the big transition into a bigger world of crap. maybe he wants you to ask whats up so he can talk about it. I'm just guessing though i have no idea about anybody involved. all i can say is you will never see the effect if you dont make the cause. good luck
2007-02-12 08:20:52
answer #3
answered by e_deckwa 5
Sometimes brothers and sisters become closer the older they get. My brother is much younger than I am, and it was not until I graduated college that we became close. We got along and all when we were younger but now we are close friends. Just try to be open to your brother and make time for him. Maybe send him friendly emails to tell him how your life is going. You may need to be the more assertive one for a while, but it may be just what he needs to build a great relationship with you on. I am sure he loves you, maybe he just needs time. Good luck.
2007-02-12 08:18:47
answer #4
answered by Leah 3
well bud...i think its bad if u c him all tha time but dont talk. i mean... im 13 n my brotha is 19 2 n i neva git 2 c him cuz we have different moms n tha same dad n he lives wit his mum n i live wit my mum n r dad, but i mean he still visits sum times n i hang n talk wit him win he dose. try 2 have a convo wit him. try 2 git closer... hes yo brotha 4 gods sake... u 2 need 2 talk
well good luck =]
2007-02-12 08:22:24
answer #5
answered by KaraCrimeScene 1
It's not just a phase and you should do something before it goes to far and you really wont have anything to talk to him about.When he is watching TV ask him questions about what he's looking at, ask him abou his day (what he did). try not to bug him though.
2007-02-12 08:21:28
answer #6
answered by Asha J 2
Well, since I have a close relationship with my sis, it doesn't sound normal to me. If you know of someplace he likes to hang out, why not ask to go with him sometime. Or invite him somewhere with you.
Hope it works out. Good luck!
2007-02-12 08:16:12
answer #7
answered by doggiemom 5
No its a good thing. If fall in love for nothing then its worth anything.
2007-02-12 08:15:41
answer #8
answered by blah blah blah! 2