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I have been offered the chance to have this done by my mum who wants to pay for it for me for my birthday, im over the moon as ive been wanting one for almost 5 years now!! im currently a small 36b and want to go up to a 36DD if possible. can you tell me much about your experiences and prices? any recommended clinics?
thanks everyone!

2007-02-12 08:04:22 · 4 answers · asked by Paula 1 in Health Women's Health

i dont want anyone to pipe in and try to be clever asking why id want to look like a slapper etc etc and am i being pressured by my boyfriend etc etc, fact is im 5ft 11, ive got broad hips and shoulders a tiny waist and no boobs, im 22 theyve stopped growing and i have no self confidence as i am. thanks!

2007-02-12 08:18:00 · update #1

4 answers

http://www.transforminglives.co.uk/ That is the clinic you need, never mind what anyone else wants, if it is what you want and you are doing it for you not your boyfriend, then go for it, It takes about an hour, and the after pain isn't really that bad, just keep up with the pain relief, you will have to sleep sitting up for the first few weeks and you will have to wear a good supporting bra for the first 6 weeks, no heavy lifting nor stretching, the pain isn't bad but if you don't abide by what the surgeon tells you then be prepared for some discomfort,... The price now would be around the £4000 - £4500, don't go to somewhere just because its cheaper, you wont get the same outcome, transform are excellent, they give you 3 years aftercare and advice too, which you will probably never need...

Request silicone gel implants, not saline!!!!

Good luck, go for it, you wont regret it, trust me, you only live once, but only do it for you, if you tell the surgeon that your b/f wants you to have it done , he will refuse to do the OP, also he will insist that you don't smoke too, so if your a smoker than i suggest you try and quit no!!!

Well once again good luck and i hope you have it done and are happy with the results!

I M me if you like, i can tell you more!!! If I'm not signed in then leave me an offline message and i will answer as soon as i get it!!!

2007-02-13 08:14:55 · answer #1 · answered by anney 4 · 0 0

I have not had a breast augmentation, but have looked after numerous people who have, and the results I have seen have been excellent.

I cannot give you a name of a surgeon on here as it would be advertising but there are many reputable surgeons in the UK and all you need to do is get a referral fron your GP to one. He/she will refer you to a private surgeon. Please get a referral through your GP then you know you will be getting a reputable one and not a dodgy one..........

You will be looking in the region of £3000+ for the op, depending on the surgeon, as their costs individually can differ greatly.

Your surgeon will explain the procedure fully. If there is anything you do not understand make sure you ask him/her. Make sure they explain the risks of the procedure to you. Most places use saline-filled implants now too, so no need to worry about the health risks of silicone implants.

Good luck - any more questions, post them on answers and will try to help x

2007-02-12 09:45:19 · answer #2 · answered by bannister_natalie 4 · 0 1

Think very carefully before you have this done. A competent and recommended surgeon will not come cheap.Having it done abroad has been known to produce disastrous results. Will the result really make you any happier, or are you being pressurised into it by your partner or boyfriend?

2016-03-29 03:47:42 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

my friend recently had boobs enlarged she used BUPA in Murryfield Edinburgh cost £4300 and they look fab.she has the boobs of an 18 yr old .

2007-02-12 10:48:25 · answer #4 · answered by smiler 4 · 0 0

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