As a Briton, I am extremely patriotic, but we have a more languid attitude towards our expression of devotion to our country. We have a stiff upper lip - we do not enthuse with the same gusto that you Americans do. Hopefully, most of us are polite, reserved, and relaxed.
I am not berating the Americans. Exuberance is a virtue if it fits, and the US does seem to like to beat it up - a damn' good attitude, if you are American.
When I visited America, I noted very different attitudes. New York was brash. Florida laid back, Kansas very down-to -earth and Texas magnificent. That superb Texan drawl, the rich cooking, and some decent beer, plus the sheer friendliness of the Texan people has engraved this State on my heart for life.
Old Bean, we do not consider Britain to be the best on earth, because if we did, such an attitude would negate patriots from other nations, who consider their nations to be the best. What is best is relative, and what the Yank, Yankee or Yanqui considers good may not fit with the British outlook, and vice versa.
I do not hate Americans for their brash patriotism, and I certailnly have no worries about the war of Independence - you won it! I am a bit miffed about the waste of bloody good tea in Boston. Could you have not boiled the water in the harbour before you tipped the tea into it - we could have all enjoyed a cup of the brew and negotiated a settlement whilst partaking of the brew. A bit of milk and sugar would not have gone amiss.
Dear old Yank, John Bull loves you. Otherwise, we would not be sending a large proportion of our armed forces to contribute to your efforts in the military field. As we are the only European Nation that can be bothered to commit forces in other than token strength, it is patently clear that we love you. Bash the Greeks, instead.
2007-02-12 10:02:33
answer #1
answered by ? 6
1. Why do Brits hate Americans for being patriotic?
We don't hate (more dislike) the way Americas think they are wonderful. I mean your just people who live in a foreign country.
2. If you dont think your country's the best on earth should you leave?
Not at all, If you don't think you country is the best is the world (just one of many countries in the world) then your more likely to enjoy travelling the world.
3. Why aren't Britts as patriotic about Brittain as we are America?
In Britain we don't have an American dream, we are awake to the fact we live in a country as to the french, germans and italians. The country is not important, what you achieve in your life and how you act around people of different countries is important. We are all people, so a nationality means little to most of us.
2007-02-13 05:16:52
answer #2
answered by Michelino 4
yes Americans are very patriotic dare i say it your more patriotic than me, and i served my country for ten year's of my life in the army, i signed up when i left school and left the army when i was twenty nine, and i am not patriotic,i dont hate anybody its too strong a word to use." i dont hate americans"! i am not jealous of Americans i have been all over the world and i have been in third world country's, and there is no place like home. where ever your heart lies i love my country that's why i served in the army.i am struggling to cope with civie finding employment and housing maybe thats why i dont feel patriotic, thats probably the wrong thing to say but thats the way i feel, and its selfish maybe.
having seen thing that i have seen and experianced i should know beter i still have my health and freedom right!!
i would like to find a job that i can keep my head down and get on with it. i dont think moving to another country is the answer for me
i hope this sheds some light
all the best
2007-02-12 11:19:17
answer #3
answered by driverfus 2
1. The Britsh do not hate Americans for being patriotic, they just don't like Americanization. The American Revolution may have something to do with it, where the Americans elminated all ties to Britain at least Canada and Australlia are connected to Britain by the Monarchy.
2. I think you should be able to respect your country not admire it as a GOD! Respect goes along way, praising your country leads to trouble!
3. It is not that Brits are not patriotic it is that they come from different backgrounds. Countries like Canada and Britain have what is considered Mosiac Multiculturalism where everyone can be independent and open to the cultures of the world, but the United States have a melting pot Multiculturalism were you try to melt everyone into one American culture and way of life
2007-02-12 08:03:27
answer #4
answered by admirealmotti 1
I don't hate americans for being patriotic,but how they belittle other countries like the U.K. beause they think they are better than everyone else.
This is how the rest of us look at Americans i'm afraid,and i'm afraid i am one of them.
Lets be honest what have you really got to be so damn proud of,the answer to that is a big nothing.
History itself proves how useless you really are as a nation,just look at your war records.The british took on one of the largest armies possible at the time the Germans,yes you lot turned up when all the hard work was done.
All major incidents were done by the British not the Americans,yet once it was over all we hear is how the Americans won the war.
Watch any American made war movie its so in the British people face it an absolute insult to the men and women who died.
You lot could'nt even beat alot of poorly armed soldiers in a jungle,but then Vietnam's a bit of a blight on your super-race mentality is'nt it.
Now in modern warfare you're still just as bad an army as you always were,I am an ex British soldier.You go tell the families of all the British you have killed in friendly fire incidents how great you are.You don't here of the British killing Americans in this way,thats because are soldiers are better trained and don't have happy trigger fingers.
So be patriotic but don't get in the face of others because we really don't care for the attitude.
The British generally do love there country but we don't have to go on a big ego trip to prove it like you lot.
The British know that in general are government and country is flawed and we except that.We as a nation have more reason to be proud of our country than you lot will ever have.
So get a reality check and a life,you are'nt as good as you believe you are and except it.
And as for your last comment about rasism i have friends that are of a different nationality than me.
But your comment coming from an American who's police are responsible for beating the hell out of Rodney King very good of them.
2007-02-12 10:13:11
answer #5
answered by Tony 3
1/ we don't hate you for being patriotic. But always introducing your President as "leader of the free world" is galling I live in the free world am proud to be English, even more proud to live in YORKSHIRE but the US president IS NOT MY LEADER, we have our own government, and are not an extra state of the union.
2/ I think Yorkshire is the best place in the best country in the universe.
3/ I think we are, have a look at the last night of the proms if you get the chance, or England playing football in the world cup or rugger in the six nations. Up here in Yorkshire a lot of pubs and houses fly the English flag ( the George cross) not the union flag
There I have answered all three points, by the way my best mate is from north America and lives here by choice.
2007-02-12 08:45:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I honestly think a lot of it is due to the fact that we are so similar- we have a go at you for being flag waver, you have a go at us for being being so reserved all the damn time. Our countries relationship is kinda like a family relationship- we dont always get on but for the most part we are happy with it.
I am a Brit- I am very proud of it but I look at the stuff thatswrong with it and work to fix it. I am more proud of being English than British- If you ever get to see a rugby game thats when we Brits do our patriotism at its best- The flag waving and the singing of "Jerusalem"... I wouldn't leave Britain unless I was better off financially moving.
2007-02-12 14:29:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Its arrogant to go round shouting that your country is "the greatest on God's Green Earth".
Especially when America has so many enemies it just smacks of being insular and up your own backsides.
But what I'd say is this: British people are not prone to take themselves (or anyone else) very seriously and we love ripping the piss out of the Yanks. We love you really! Who else would we make fun of it it wasn't for you!
However, I really have to say this: as for all this sutff about "The War of Independence":-
FERGAWDSAKE!!! Noone in Britain cares a damn about that!! Do you really think we all sit round getting "upset" that you "beat us" like 200 years ago?!?!? It might be a big deal to you Yanks but its water long gone under the Bridge in the UK. Few British schoolkids even know what the American War of Independence/Revolution or whatever you wanna call it is and the rest of us care even less!! Come in to the 21st Century please!
And as for why Brits aren't as patriotic about their country as Americans are about theirs - we're not allowed to be. Theres always some Revolutionary type who'll jump up and scream about the British Empire and call us racists and BNP members if we try to be patriotic about Britain - although it seems OK to be patriotic about your individual countries.
As a Welsh woman I can wave a Welsh flag and be proud to be Welsh and noone will object but if I so much as pick up a Union Jack I'm a "traitor to Wales and a racist BNP Member".
If my English Other Half waves a St George Cross he's lilkely to get beaten up or called a football hooligan (he doesn't even like football).
Its whats called "political correctness gone mad".
2007-02-12 23:11:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Dont know what you mean! Brits don't hate Americans any more than Americans hate Brits! Some do, or think they do, or feel they should, for whatever reason. I don't know anyone who 'really' hates Americans. Some say they do, but it's usually those who have never been to America, or met any Americans. Maybe they think all Americans are like George 'Dubya' Bush! Its all rhetoric usually. Like saying "I hate diet coke". I have an uncle who has lived in America since the late sixties, who insists he 'hates Limeys', and I have to remind him that he doesn't know any Limeys apart from his relatives! I like some of the Americans I have met, and dislike others. The same goes for Brits, and Italians, and French, and Germans, and......!
2007-02-12 08:38:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Wake up dude. We dont care if you love your country. Why we hate it is that you got a mad man in the White House and you slavishly support him because all this "Love your Country" stuff was just brainwashing for such a scene. The man is a criminal slayer of civilians and a war monger. \If you can love your country without him then we have no problem with that. We have here British people from all parts of the world who love their original country and we have no problem with that . Its BUSH that is the real problem. Few of you love America and not BUSH that is our gripe with you. Get that
edit: I will go further than Dr S Johnson and say that patriotism is the opium of fools
2007-02-12 09:39:51
answer #10
answered by K. Marx iii 5