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i am married to 4 years and i had 2 miscarriges and now i am again trying to concive and taking duphaston and susten 200mg and folic acid i just wanted to know if this tablet is harmless to take

2007-02-12 07:37:04 · 4 answers · asked by contactjmk2002 1 in Health Women's Health

4 answers

If the tablet is prescribed by your gynac, it is OK to take. The conception takes place between 10th and 15th day from the onset of your period. Have relation every alternative day during this period. After sex, lie down for about 30 minutes. Keep a pillow under your buttock while having sex. First of all, try to find out the reason for the miscarriage. Get your uterus checked. Along with your medication, start drinking Noni herbal fruit juice twice a day in water. Once you mis your period for ten days, get the urine pregnancy Test done. If positive, avoid sex to prevent miscarriage. Have sex only if the gynac approves.

2007-02-12 17:40:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have doctor that has ask you to take this drug just trust him.
There is lots of info on line read it.

Conceiving in most part is a perfect science, follow the doctor's advice, make sure you have a specialist doctor for the care a well known Gynaecologist with experience, who has produced good results.

2007-02-12 08:39:42 · answer #2 · answered by minootoo 7 · 0 0

do it i dod and i have triplets 5 years old triplets

2007-02-12 11:29:13 · answer #3 · answered by lovepets 6 · 0 0


2007-02-12 07:40:54 · answer #4 · answered by doctor asho 5 · 0 0

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