i am taking the contraceptive pill femodine, i have taken it for 15 days now, started it on the 1st day of my cycle and i still havnt stopped bleeding!!!!whats wrong with me!!! ive been to the doctors and hes given me a diffrent pill to move onto without a 7day break inbetween after ive finished this month of femodine, but i really dont want to mess my body around anymore!this doesnt seem to have happend to anyone, my periods have always been regular and healthy! i dont know if to carry on femodine and see if it settles, has anyone else has this long term bleeding when starting a pill??
9 answers
asked by
➔ Women's Health
i had bleeding for around 3 months when i tried the pill the last time. to be honest, i got so sick of messing with my bodies natural hormones and being a slave to a packet of pills every day that i have had a non hormonal coil fitted. im only 22 and havent had children but its been in for two years now and i love it. no hassle, no hormones and it lasts for 5 years.
marvellous. recommend it to anyone!
2007-02-12 08:19:54
answer #1
answered by Paula 1
i am taking the contraceptive pill feminine, i have taken it for 15 days now, started it on the 1st day of my cycle and i still havnt stopped bleeding!!!!whats wrong with me!!! ive been to the doctors and hes given me a different pill to move onto without a 7 day break inbetween after ive finished tgis month of femodine, but i really dont want to mess my body around anymore!this doesnt semm to have happened to anyone, my periods have always been regular and healthy! i dont know if to carry on bleeding when starting a pill?
2007-02-12 08:08:10
answer #2
answered by Derricka V 1
The femodine obviously isn't right for you.
Trust your Doctor.
Your cycle is already messed up, as it takes a good 6 months for a person's cycle to settle on the pill.
Take your new pill without your break as your doc has advised, and if you continue to experience further problems, go see your doc again.
I had long term bleeding for 6 months on the injection, and once I started the pill my doc prescribed, it stopped after 4 days.
Best of luck x
2007-02-12 07:50:09
answer #3
answered by bannister_natalie 4
yes, well no... I had the opposite problem... IT NEVER CAME!!!! it's so scary when stuff like that happens... but honestly, it is completely normal! I would wait a month before stressing out so bad. These pills and contraceptives work differently for different bodies... especially if this is the first time you are taking them. Just like anything else, you should definetly try to wait before choosing to stop or continue with this... If you are very worried, I would call your doctor and tell him exactly what you asked here... It sounds very logistic and you should tell your dr. that this is scary to you... at least get a 'piece of mind' while going through this... I wish the best for you!
2007-02-12 07:43:15
answer #4
answered by downtown 1
I had a similar problem when on pill and had to carry through the "pill free week". I would then bleed for three weeks solid. Docs couldn't explain it - said it was "one of those things". If you are worried about changing the meds, go back and speak to your doc.
2007-02-12 07:40:20
answer #5
answered by Snowflake 2
Change in the pill ( Injection , implant or tablets!) Will muck your body up. Give it three months and see if it settles down. Your hormones will be all over the place.
2007-02-12 07:41:23
answer #6
answered by lawsonblue 2
OK first your doctor did do a medical i.e. blood pressure and check your heart....Both before putting you on it in the beginning and checked it when you went back with the problems?
If you are in the UK ring the NHS helpline they are very helpful and will get someone who knows this area better
Good luck
2007-02-12 07:43:19
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think you are a candidate for endometriosis, long term bleeding is one symptom,a dull achy feeling in your lower abdomen,sometimes sex is painful. Has your doctor discussed this with you? I would ask some questions to get to the root of the problem.
2007-02-12 07:40:35
answer #8
answered by fisherwoman 6
I think u should stop walking, travelling and move around. have a bed rest for 2 to 3 months.
2007-02-12 07:40:48
answer #9
answered by Mwiz_x-mas 2