Yes, I have ONE, consult your OB/GYN. These pregnancy questions really get to me. I'm a midwife, and there's NO way I can possibly guess what's going on. You need to see your Doc. Good luck ~~~~~
2007-02-12 07:39:16
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Let's see, what could be wrong with you? How about you are not married? The worst thing you could do is bring an innocent life into this world without the advantage of being raised by commited parents---you know a real mom and dad. A boyfreind is
not a husband and you are not a wife. There is nothing to keep your "boyfriend" around to support you and your child- remember the baby came from you and as unfair as that may seem without the commitment of marriage you have no security which is bad for your child. Tell your sperm donor that if he loves you enough to have a child with you he should love you enough to commit to marrying you and the same for you if he balks you've got the wrong guy to be reproducing with. Sorry, but wise up.
2007-02-14 00:38:11
answer #2
answered by rwh000 2
I always had irregular period and it took hubby and me over 3 years to get pregnant. I blame part of that on my thyroid. It could be something as simple as taking a pill everyday to straighten out your levels, or of course something totally different. You should consult your doctor though, really.
2007-02-12 15:47:28
answer #3
answered by poopdoll 1
Only a fertility specialist can answer this question, and only after running medical tests. The problem may not even be with you, it may be with your boyfriend. But the tests will rapidly and usually accurately determine the problem. Plus, even if you could somehow magically guess what's wrong, you couldn't possibly "solve" the "problem" without a specialist's help.
2007-02-12 15:35:03
answer #4
answered by Qwyrx 6
Go see a Dr. I would say if you are missing that many periods you have a hormonal imbalance. Only a Dr can give you the answers you are looking for.
2007-02-12 15:34:28
answer #5
answered by JS 7
It would be better to ask a doctor this, such irregular periods are not a help when you are trying to conceive. Get them sorted out and you will stand a much better chance.
2007-02-12 15:34:23
answer #6
answered by huggz 7
You could have a condition called PCO (Polycycstic Ovaries) in which your period would be irregular, difficulty conceiving, and a few others.
Google it and then speak to a fertility specialist.
2007-02-12 15:36:45
answer #7
answered by DAD_to_3 3
Two separate questions here.
First, don't just assume that something is wrong with YOU. There are two of you trying to baby-make. Maybe your boyfriend's little swimmers are just kind of treading water.
Either way, you should BOTH go see a doctor.
2007-02-12 15:39:01
answer #8
answered by CrazyChick 7
You need to see a doctor. You may also be stressing about about not being pregnant that it is taking a toll on your body.
2007-02-12 15:38:49
answer #9
answered by Jo 6
Your best way to find out would be to go see an OBGYN. The possibilities of what could be "wrong" are may not even be you, he could have a low sperm count or something.
2007-02-12 15:36:25
answer #10
answered by kj 7