Well, in my class, Jesica (mean girl im talking about) got introuble for talking and the teacher said that he will have to move her. Well, she said to the entire class, "I don't care where I sit, as long as I don't sit near Celine" (By the way, Celine is me) Well, then he moved her next to me, being he mean self, and as soon as she sat down, she said, "EEWWWW!! WHY DO I HAVE TO SIT NEXT TO THIS ULGLY PERSON!!!!" Well, my teacher just booted her out of the class room. When she came back, she kept talking about me non-stop, telling everyone my most precious secrets, (because we "used" to be friends). What do I do?
If there is any comebacks or rude comments to tell her...... THAT WOULD BE GREAT!! Make them extra mean!!!!
11 answers
asked by
♥Wild Thing♥
Family & Relationships
➔ Friends
Yea, I hate those kind of people.
You should not resort to violence, but you can tell a teacher/counselor/administrator/parent about her if you want. Personally, if someone called me ugly, I'd say something like "Your momma's ugly". It's not really witty, but that is ok. It is funny, and will make people laugh, and you will gain more respect among your classmates. My cousin likes to replace "momma" with "face", and use the same tone. I tried it, and it's still pretty funny.
You could've also said something like, "I may not look that great, but at least I don't look like Paris Hilton like you do". That's a pretty witty comeback, and funny, which will, again, gain you more respect.
The key is to turn around most of the comments she makes on you. If she keeps saying the same thing over and over, don't worry, everyone else will get tired of it also, and some may even take your side and maybe defend you.
Unless you are super popular, the revealing of your most precious secrets won't haunt you forever.
I hope this helps.
2007-02-12 18:39:20
answer #1
answered by The Riddler 3
You should have punched her right in the face as soon as she sat next to you - it would have been worth getting kicked out of class and the embarrassment she would have felt would have lasted so much longer than her words about you. Plus colleges really don't look at expulsions.... it is worth it. She deserves a good a** kicking it sounds like.
2007-02-12 06:55:40
answer #2
answered by jessica 4
nicely, first - whispering IS speaking. in case you and your pals whisper between one yet another and play goofy 'video games' mutually as omit is lecturing, yet no longer while adult adult males lecture i would be sure how she have been given the theory you do no longer understand her opinion or the educational she imparts. in terms of taking this heavily, i'd say it might desire to function a warning call approximately paying interest in college. i think of in case you go with the story to no longer get around and it problems you, the final element you will choose to do is tell human beings approximately it. ultimately, it sounds (out of your examples) that somebody would desire to show to omit that her suject is English, no longer gender learn. I hear further and further recently approximately instructors who form of circulate "off subject" and instead of coaching math, english or history they take income of the captive purpose audience it fairly is a lecture room to expound on their political ideals. i'm very plenty antagonistic to this, as i've got faith they're employed for their coaching skills in a particular subject and that they might desire to shop on with that.
2016-11-03 06:24:14
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Tell your parents, and try to ask her not to tell your secrets or you could start telling her secrets, and maybe even a couple rumors. NO GOOD COMEBACKS! I'M FRESH OUT!!!!!
2007-02-12 07:01:44
answer #4
answered by Mustang_gurl 2
lol, hs drama huh, i remember dat, just leave it alone but u can say..... "f___k! i cant believe u dont shut up! put a c***k in it already!" loll dat should piss her off,lol, tell her secretes too, or better yet start a rumor, those are classic
2007-02-12 06:57:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
??? She is rediclus...ignore her and act like it doesnt bother you....shes doing it to piss you off and get a reaction from you. I dont know how old you are but this is a little silly and inmature.
2007-02-12 06:57:03
answer #6
answered by Ashley G 1
I think thet shes just envying you.Tell her Baby if i were ugly person, i would look like you, so shut ur mouth n kiss my ***!
2007-02-12 06:58:00
answer #7
answered by Jidde I 2
wow sounds like shes really immature and you shouldnt even give her the time of day
2007-02-12 06:56:00
answer #8
answered by Daniela 2
if you think you can take her,i say fight her.and since you guys used to ve friends i say tell her secrets
2007-02-12 07:16:59
answer #9
answered by memaliejoe 1
personally i know exactly what you mean i would totally embarrass her back...
2007-02-12 06:57:03
answer #10
answered by beach_cutie95 1