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If I heard it right; Barack Obama was a former Muslim but is now a Christian. This means he would have some knowledge about Islam and that could be a big help in foreign relations. Sense not very many people in our government seem to know much about Islam, I think that as far as foreign relations are concerned, he would be the best democratic canidate. Because I think its gonna take someone who has knowledge about Islam to help convince these radicals to quit killing innocent people.

2007-02-12 06:01:50 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Did I say best president? I said BEST DEMOCRATIC CANIDATE!!!! And some of the best leaders in the bible where once very evil men who hated Christianity!!!

2007-02-12 06:15:32 · update #1

Did I say best president? I said BEST DEMOCRATIC CANIDATE!!!! And some of the best leaders in the bible where once very evil men who hated Christianity!!!

2007-02-12 06:15:48 · update #2

20 answers

Barack Obama is a first term senator from Illinois. He was elected in 2004. He became popular after his DNC speech.
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNCLomrqIN8
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56-m8wx1mwo

Although some might call him inexperienced, I believe he has values and judgement to be a good president. He is a bright guy. He was the first black president of the prestigious Havard Law Review, worked as a community organizer, served eight years in the Illinois legislature, and taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He has pointed out that Rumseld and Cheney were the most experienced people and Washington...and we're now bogged down in the middle of an Iraq Civil War.
This a good bio video:

What seperates him from the other candidates is that he stresses coming together as a country and he has been known to be a good listener. For that, he is respected by his Republican colleagues. In the Illinois Legislature
"Obama developed a reputation as a very conservative poker player. He threw in many more hands than he played, said another Senate colleague, Larry Walsh. "I told him once, 'If you were a little more liberal in your poker-playing and a little more conservative in your politics, we'd get along a lot better.' ""


In the Illinois senate race, he appealed to even the most conservative districts: "He recalled Sunday that when he successfully ran for the Senate in Illinois two years ago, he was well-received in downstate Cairo, Ill., a city which had been racially segregated in the late 1960s and which used to have a white separatist White Citizens’ Council.

“Southern Illinois is the South,” Obama explained to an audience of Yankees in Portsmouth, N.H. “It’s closer to Little Rock or Memphis than it is to Chicago.”

In the 1960s, Cairo was “the site of some of the worst racial violence of any place in the nation, as bad as anything going on in Mississippi or Alabama,” Obama said.

Some Illinois Democrats, he recalled, were worried in 2004 that a black candidate from Chicago named Obama was “not going to sell downstate.”


I'd recommend you listen to his podcast.
You'll discover a candidate that is intelligent and authentic.

When it comes down to it, I think Obama will be a lot more productive as president than any other candidate in both parties. He could really change the cultural of politics in our country. This excites a lot of people.

Some conservative publications put out a report saying he was raised a radical muslim. That is political bullshit. He's a christian and wasn't raised a muslim.

That is not to say he doesn't have knowledge of Islam. Growing up in Indonesia, he learned about the religion. Watch this interview of Barack in 2002 on Iraq

2007-02-13 19:55:40 · answer #1 · answered by Jake B 2 · 0 0

You have heard what the right wing spin machine wants you to believe. Yes, his father was Muslim but his father became an atheist as an adult. His mother had Baptist and Methodist upbringing but was not practicing in either. His parents were divorced when he was 2 and he essentially was an absentee father and had little contact with his son. His stepfather was from Indonesia which is predominanty Muslim and his family moved there when he was 6 years old. He attended a school that catered to children of Muslims, Catholics and Buddhists.
He went to that school for 2 year, then he was enrolled in a predominantly Catholic school for another 2 years. He moved back to Hawai'i when he was 10 to live with his maternal grandparents.
This is highlighted in his first book " Dreams from my father"
His mother exposed her son to different religions including Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity.
The excerpt in Time Magazine of his second book " The Audacity of Hope" shows you what exposure he had to religion and how it played a part in his belief system. It highlighted the fact that he was not raised as a Muslim, contrary to what the know it alls here have said, but that he knew what the religion was about and what all religions and their connotations are when it comes to culture. His mother was an anthropologist and looked at the cultural influences of different religions
What will make Barack Obama the right man for the job will be his stance on world affairs to help in the repair of the country's reputation abroad and his solutions to the current problems here such as health care, fair wages, protecting the borders and our ports etc.
You should realize the right wing spin machine came out with his supposedly being raised Muslim and attending a madrassa because they fear that he could possibly pull it off and win. This initial load of tripe was dreamt up by Insight Magazine, an arm of the right wing WashingtonTimes. Fox News perpetuated the lie until they were lambasted by Obama and CNN debunked the lie. They have since backpedalled. They never go after someone they can easily or narrowly defeat.

2007-02-12 06:39:44 · answer #2 · answered by thequeenreigns 7 · 0 2

I don't think this is the man for the job. If you look at his voting record in Congress, you will see that many of the things he says he believes in are abominations in Islam. Few Muslims would appreciate a man who left Islam to be a Christian if that is what he is. Several theologians believe he fits all the criteria of the antichrist (incredibly fast rise to power, in politics, the most powerful man in the world, speaks to the masses but has very different views than those conveyed, wolf in sheep's clothing, etc.)

2007-02-12 06:14:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

He has a wonderful message. But then again so have all the Democrats and have never followed through. Once they get into office they go ahead and pursue their far left agenda.

Obama is only running to make it look like Hillary is capable of overcoming a hurdle. It makes it appear that she is a more viable candidate for president.

The same happend with Bush vs. McCain in 00'. The Republicans lobbyist wanted Bush and they got'em.

The Democrats lobbyist want Hillary and unfortunately they will get her too.

This is a commonly used political tactic. It is better in the long run to have someone to run against in a primary than nobody at all.

2007-02-12 06:10:37 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

I,d hate to be sure a repeat of what got here approximately throughout the bush administration take place with perry everyone undergo in strategies how he promised much less government yet began spending out the wazooo

2016-11-03 06:20:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think Obama would be a great candidate with a very positive message for a county like the U.S that has been battered with the Bush administration. My god, he has such a great outlook on life and is so realistic. At least he admitted to his teenage drug experimentation unlike the lying coke addict president we have now.
BTW, he never went to a madrasa. As a child, Obama spent four years in Indonesia with his step-father, a non-practicing Muslim, and his mother. Between ages 6 and 8, Obama attended a local Muslim school in Jakarta; after that, he was enrolled in a Roman Catholic school. In his book Dreams Of My Father (p.142), Obama writes:

In Indonesia, I’d spent 2 years at a Muslim school, 2 years at a Catholic school. In the Muslim school, the teacher wrote to tell mother I made faces during Koranic studies. In the Catholic school, when it came time to pray, I’d pretend to close my eyes, then peek around the room. Nothing happened. No angels descended.

In his more recent book, The Audacity of Hope, Obama writes (p.274), “Without the money to go to the international school that most expatriate children attended, I went to local Indonesian schools and ran the streets with the children of farmers, servants, tailors, and clerks.”

wingshoot... you have the UCC congregational church all wrong. We aren't pro-abortion, we are pro-choice which is about being for the woman's right to choose. Pro-Abortion would mean that the belief would be that of one that abortion should occur on every pregnant woman. That is a huge difference in meaning, sunshine. BTW, Christ did warn people of false prophets, but todays' false prophets are Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Rev. Haggards, and the Tammy Faye and Jim Bakers of the world. It's the mega churches who have charletons for preachers who say don't do this but are the first ones to do just that. It's the big money churches like those I mentioned above. The UCC Congregational church works what Christ worked, they work with the poor, the sick and the hungry. The do Christs work that he did when he was on the planet. We also believe in a strong education system and many that attend my UC Congregational church are very educated people, lawyers, doctors, college professors, teachers, muscians, artists, administrators, housewives, and alot of other thinking and unselfish people. My suggestion to you is to stop talking about what you think you know and attend a few services of the UC congregational church to find out for yourself. Otherwise, you sound very very ignorant.
BTW, why do you think Christ has to come to you as an Epiphany? That's boulderdash. And, I bet many people in EV churches question the existance of heaven and hell but don't dare say anything. With the UC congregational church, we don't place fear as something you should come to the life of christ with. Christ was about love and his life's example was love and giving to those in need. His life was not about fearing the after life.

2007-02-12 06:22:22 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Yes, as he is wont to do for the life of terrorism. The Muslims will FINALLY be in control of America, if he is elected. Just what they always wanted. Obama is a MUSLIM! He is inexperienced, only having 2 years in Congress, educated by his father, a radical Muslim, his step-father, a radical Muslim, ans his mother who didn't know if she was a Catholic or Muslim. Yes, if America wants to see what death is like, Obama is their perfect choice.

2007-02-12 06:15:23 · answer #7 · answered by xenypoo 7 · 2 1

WASH—Jan 15—KIN-- He was born of a Muslim father and an atheist mother, who in his own words was "a lonely witness for secular humanism, a soldier for New Deal, Peace Corps, and position paper liberalism." She divorced when he was two years old and remarried another Muslim living in Indonesia, where the young man was educated in Catholic and Muslim schools in one of the most radical Islamic countries in the world. Though his father and stepfather were both Muslim, he tries to mitigate their religion by saying that by the time his mother married them, they had become atheists. After he was ten years old, he mostly was raised by his atheist grandparents.

The New York Daily News reports that he changed his life in his junior year of college at Columbia: he said he stopped doing drugs, ran three miles a day, and "He went to socialist conferences at Cooper Union and African cultural fairs in Brooklyn and started lecturing his relatives..." After graduating Columbia and then Harvard, he began working in Chicago supporting social programs. He recruited a local United Church of Christ Church on a government-sponsored community outreach. Around 1988, he joined the church because, he says, "that religious commitment did not require me to suspend critical thinking, disengage from the battle for social justice, or otherwise retreat from the world that I knew and loved."

The United Church of Christ is not to be confused with the "Church of Christ." The United Church of Christ, however, supports homosexual marriage, abortion, environmental justice, globalism, the International Criminal Court, the Palestinian movement and believes that Israel is illegally occupying the covenant land. The UCC seems to conveniently justify and legitimize his beliefs that social progressivism is equal to Christ and he writes in his memoirs that his own salvation was not an "epiphany." He reasoned after his daughter asked about life after death, "I wasn't sure what happens when we die, any more than I was sure where the soul resides or what existed before the Big Bang."

His name is Barak Hussein Obama. And he is running for President. He is courting evangelical Christians from the pulpit at Rick Warren's Saddleback church and by using public proclamations reported in the news media. Some Christians are saying he is a Democrat that evangelical Christians can support. Many have suggested that his Islamic and atheist upbringing combined with his social progressive membership in the United Church of Christ make him an outstanding presidential candidate. Others believe he may be a threat to the national security. Will the real Obama please stand up? Jesus said in Matthew 7:15, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves."

2007-02-12 06:10:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

He only RECENTLY became a Christian! Think that's a coincidence? What do we need to know about Islam that we don't already know? They hate us because we're not Muslim and they will go to any lengths to protect and force a jihad on any non believers. Muslims attacked Christian citizens in Lebanon because of their beliefs and westernized culture...not because they were being occupied. Read "Because they Hate" Brigitte Gambrel. There is no negotiating with them. That's all we need to know.

2007-02-12 06:10:46 · answer #9 · answered by baby1 5 · 3 2

As a Senator his entire record has been voting along party lines. he is a follower not a leader.

By taking on Walmart and saying they are sending jobs overseas while they are the number one private employer in the country proves he has no business sense.

Voting (as an Illinois legislator) to publicly fund abortions and voting to allow late term abortions proves he is out of step with the majority of the country.

He is not the right man to be President.

2007-02-12 06:10:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

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