You can have a tubal ligation, where they cut the fallopian tubes so that the egg can't travel from the ovary to the uterus, and therefore you can't get pregnant, but you will still get a period.
If you have a hysterectomy, where the uterus is removed, you will not get a period. Hysterectomies, though, cause all kinds of other problems (hormonal imbalances, mostly) so they're only done if absolutely medically necessary, not usually for birth control.
If you want birth control that will get rid of your period, try the shot (Depo Provera) - many women stop getting periods once they start Depo.
Hope I'm answering your question - I didn't see the original, just this one.
2007-02-12 05:20:59
answer #1
answered by Amy 3
A woman can get a tubal ligation. They sever the fallopian tubes and suture them to keep it from growing back together. It is a lot more expensive and yes you still have a period. A vasectomy is cheaper, easier, and more effective. There is a higher failure rate for women than there is men. The down side to men is you have to wait 4-6 weeks before he is sterile.
women can heave a hysterectomy too, that will stop periods. But legitimate doctors won't do them unless it is medically necessary. That removes all the female reproductive organs.
2007-02-12 05:26:10
answer #2
answered by ? 6
A woman can have a tubal ligation. The tubes are cut and the ends are burnt. The tissue is sent to a lab to verify that it is the tubes. A woman still gets her period.
A woman could also have a hysterectomy. That is where her uterus is removed. She no longer has periods.
2007-02-12 05:20:40
answer #3
answered by Heather Y 7
There are a lot of things that a woman can do. Tubal ligation is a permanent way to keep from getting pregnant. There are also a lot of prescriptions that are available. This is probably something that should be discussed with your Gyno. They will be able to direct you to what is best for your lifestyle and needs.
2007-02-12 05:20:37
answer #4
answered by laesjb 2
You can get your tubes tied...that just means that you can't carry a child. You still get our period...and the plumbing still works..but really a vasectomy is the way to go..its easy reversable..and its safer and better prooven to not produce any babies..
2007-02-12 05:28:26
answer #5
answered by Bevin M 3
A woman can get her "tubes tied". Although if there is any chance later on that she will want more children- it is very hard to reverse. Plus this requires surgery on her part, with a guy it's a doctor's visit.
2007-02-12 05:20:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Anything surgically a woman has done is invasive surgery. Unless she has a hysterectomy, she will still get periods and I dont think any doctor would do that surgery unless medically necessary. It's major surgery.
2007-02-12 05:20:45
answer #7
answered by KathyS 7
Like your first answer, as long as you have a uterus (and ovaries), you'll have a period, until menopause hits. You can get your tubes, cut and tied.......or even a full on hysterectomy. Doing the man is so much more cheaper.
2007-02-12 05:27:34
answer #8
answered by cajunrescuemedic 6
a woman can get her tubes tied, and yes, she still gets her period. But its not always 100%
A woman can also go to the extream and get a historectamy (spelling?) and thats where she gets her uteras taken right out. But they wont do this uless there is something wrong. My mother had to get it done, due to cervical cancer.
2007-02-12 05:21:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
She can get her tubes tied, and yes she willstill have her periods.. but a vasectomy is much cheaper and safer///
2007-02-12 05:19:11
answer #10
answered by Mommy of 2 5