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Is anyone worried about America not being America in the near future? Are there any companies /stores/ businesses left in America that are owned by Americans.?? Everywhere you go gas stations,stop and gos,convient stores even in a taxi no one speaks English anymore!!Plus they are rude and nasty,hateful,!! Where is America Going? People we need to pull togeather and get OUR country back. I'm scared for OUR Childrens future.

2007-02-12 01:56:51 · 12 answers · asked by GreenEYED Beauty 3 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

If our government is watching who comes to our country,how come so many terrorist are here,buying up our businesses?I alsoam of multi-breed I'm not worried about anyone except the crazy ones gettingin a destroying our wonderful country. they start with small business and grow!!!

2007-02-12 02:12:28 · update #1

To all of you who took this question to heart and understood my point THANK YOU.To the others who took in it out of context and were a little too curt,SHAME ON YOU. OUR COUNTRY NEEDS SOME SERIOUS HELP.But Smart AZZEZ (sses) won't get the job done.lol

2007-02-12 02:52:16 · update #2

12 answers

No I don't worry about it... but it is a given.

2007-02-17 19:08:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's been going on for decades, Green. The thing is an American here of meager means could not own one of those establishments. (Those of greater means usually wouldn't want to.) We could not get a loan because of our credit. But those from other countries can get those loans at very, very low interest rates as sort of a welcome mat for coming to our country. I'm not against cultural differences...at all. What I am against is preferential treatment. In our clamor to show that we are not a prejudice country we have set up a reverse situation and become prejudice against our own lower middle class citizens. But it is all so complex that I have lost hope that it will ever be repaired.
The most shocking thing is how severely our country has fallen into such a state of destruction and chaos since this president took office. When he arrived at the white house ...the budget was balanced and there was surplus in social security. And in six short years not only has he incurred hatred from much of the world but squandered what we had. And in the meantime put us into severe debt of tens of BILLIONS of dollars and brought this country to the brink of bankruptcy. I'm terrified of what he may do in the next 2 years. But big business (especially oil companies) will always get what they want (pay for) especially since brother G is an oil man himself.

2007-02-12 10:27:46 · answer #2 · answered by O Wise One 3 · 1 0

History repeats itself... America has always been known as the land of the free... that is why people from other countries want to come here and have a chance at a better life. Just like all of our forefathers, remember, they broke free from Britain?

Who are we to put a limit on how many people can be allowed this same opportunity?

2007-02-12 10:05:13 · answer #3 · answered by Kat 5 · 0 0

Yes I am worried and have been for many years. I used to listen to my father talk about this very thing when I was a little guy and BOOM here it is. Now he tells me that he is scared and worried for his grandbabies because of the direction the country is going.

Many people are oblivious to it and just refuse to believe it, but I have seen it and see it now. Pulling people together in America is a hard thing to do, because we are so divided in race, culture and creeds. There are so many people here in America who care NOTHING for the dreams of the founding fathers nor the constitution that was created as a result of that dream.

The legal immigrants who came here seeking a better life for their families and to accomplish the American dream many years ago is what built this country. I wonder how many do that today. Our policies suck and WE need to wake up and come together in this country. We should seek to learn the dreams and visions of the founding fathers to see how far off the path we have trod.

One thing that needs to happen is that if you are an American then you should be referred to as an AMERICAN! Not Afro-American, European-American, Chinese-American, etc. That makes NO sense to me. When you go to Europe, China or Africa you are referred to as an American. Once we have enough heart in us to better this country and stand united then we can make changes. Thats the only way. A hyphenated America is a divided America as far as I am concerned.

AND we have got to do something about ILLEGAL immigration! What part of ILLEGAL do people not understand? If you love America then stand up for America. If not, then get on and stop using up the resources that were set aside for my childrens children as American citizens. Much blood has been spilt to seal that right!

Sorry for the rant, but I feel you and it bothers me as well.

Seems people are missing the point of your question!

2007-02-12 10:25:44 · answer #4 · answered by Goober W 4 · 1 0

I am worried too. Being far away, I have not even drempt of American lifestyle but America has the capacity to effect my life. See its "Policy" on Oil, World crude is controlled by it (in boardrooms) We suffer. Can't America be America any more. We recognize it as superpower. Please stop playing politics and help us live and grow harmoniously.

2007-02-12 10:04:45 · answer #5 · answered by jp 2 · 0 0

I am. We don't expect anything from anyone who comes to this country anymore. This country will eventually wind up divided, probably into 4 very culturally different nations.

2007-02-12 10:02:11 · answer #6 · answered by kathy059 6 · 0 0

Yes. I agree. Too bad the actual Native American people are oppressed and dying out...Let's not forget that we are all the children of immigrants. My grandparents didn't know English when they came here, either.

2007-02-12 10:02:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

America was america once, (like 30 years ago), but seeing how our presidents make bad choices and make our country hav pathetic wars, well yea there might not be an america in the future. and about the thing how evrybody is rude and nasty, its always been like that. americans hav no manners (not all of them but most) and it just shows that their parents r raising them poorly.

i wasnt born here fyi.

2007-02-12 10:01:56 · answer #8 · answered by Girl 4 · 0 2

t totally agree with Goober. i do think that the first thing we should do is require English to be t he official language. No ballots , products , nor schools or public services use anything other than
English. tI would help to unify us.

2007-02-19 07:44:51 · answer #9 · answered by Georgia R 1 · 0 0

We as americans can boycott going to these places, you can buy gas at wal-marts, walk instead of getting a taxi or use a bicycle.......

2007-02-12 10:05:56 · answer #10 · answered by debi_0712 5 · 0 0

America is not soil. America is not companies and stores and businesses. America is not gas stations, stop and gos or CONVENIENCE stores or taxis.

When you learn what America is, you will know what you should really be fighting for.

P.S. English is not our national language.

We don't have one.

2007-02-12 09:59:39 · answer #11 · answered by Bush Invented the Google 6 · 1 2

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