Pres. Bush does not stand entirely alone against Congress as the liberal media would have us to believe. There are still those who agree with him that war against terrorism must be fought to the end but disagree on the actual management of the war. If you listen carefully and read between the lines you will find only some of the far left liberal Congressmen who want to walk away completely; the rest know we have to face this head on. The problem is they don't really have any better plans than he has. If you recall he told us, honestly and frankly right from the beginning, that this war was going to last a very long time possibly to the next generation because we're fighting against generations of hate and violence.
Besides there's a long way to go before elections so don't assume conservative Republicans have lost yet. You said you're not powerful - you are powerful because you're right. You're just not actively involved enough. Get involved with your local party, get people registered to vote, and get out of the closet!
2007-02-11 18:25:09
answer #1
answered by amethyst 3
I think it's very unlikely. But with the democrats coming in to power in the congress next year, there will be rumors like this floating around. I seriously doubt that it'll happen, as there isn't anything they could charge him with. And that's especially so since G. W. Bush has only 2 more years left in office any way. The democrats would spend at least 6 months building support for the case, 6 months to prosecute it, and then they'd have Dick Cheney as president. It's not worth it even if they did have a case. Mostly it's the die-hards who say, "They did it to our guy Clinton, so we're gonna stick it to their guy Bush!"
2016-05-23 23:58:57
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Listen and listen closely i dont know what you think the iraq people are capable of but when it comes to being worried about what the iraq people will do if we leave. they will kill each other in this sand filled place and it will take decades before they are ever even close to being on economical level close enough to wage a war on us. Its a dam desert over here!!! Im a soldier in the US Army that got pulled away from my family to come to this poor asss country and fight these people that in my mind are not even close to being a real threat what do u think they are gonna do jump in there make believe jets and fly over here and bomb us or have an army of millions swim over here and try to take are land ????? honestly there is nothing to be scared of it is all some of bushs hoodoo magic that has you tricked into thinking we are gonna be vulnerable if we pull are troops if anything we might be able to build some of are moral back up and be prepared for whatevers next
2007-02-11 18:02:08
answer #3
answered by texastycoon 2
Well thanks to the incompetent Neo Cons the Middle East is f u c k e d up. Your question makes no sense. The terrorists are not "lying in wait". They are murdering people as we speak and will continue to do so if we are there or not. Do you have any idea of what is going on in Iraq right now? Things have already taken a drastic turn for the worse in the ME Civil war is breaking out for God sakes! I don't think it can get any worse than it already is!!! Unless of course, we send more of our brave soldiers off to lose their lives and limbs and sanity all in the name of an immoral war that the American Public was led to believe was necessary in the War Against Terror. But then we find out later that all the reasons to go to war were bull s h i t.
You are brainwashed! Dude stop listening to Rush and realize what is really going on...70 percent of the population already has and made that known in the last election.
ORION: Sorry bro, the terrorist best friend is George W Bush! He has done more for the recruitment of terrorist than 9-11! And also, I know the ME was f'ed up before we got there, but its alot more f'ed up for US now than it was before!!!
2007-02-11 18:03:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm glad I'm not the only one! People may hate Bush, but when Clinton was in office, there were at least two terrorist attacks on American land (embassies, ships, whatnot) and at least Bush is doing something about it instead of being a yes-man and recieving oral from some secretary. That got the publicity that the lack of action on the attacks should have gotten. And the middle east is having a heyday watching "us" protest our own leader. They know that we are almost as destructive a weapon against ourselves than they are to us. Hey, maybe the protesters are right! We should not have "provoked a war" by attacking back when they came here just to kill us! we should have said, "Hey, let's be buddies. We're sorry that your 2,000 yr old religion orders you to behead anyone who rejects Allah, we accept that and you can even practice that belief here! I'm sure you'll all change your minds about the beheading and killing the white satan stuff if we just give you government money, a place to live, and special rights because you are immigrants and refugees of a war in a land that is killing every woman and child they can find. Here, plot our untimely demise on OUR land. at least the Hezbollah and al-Qieda will save blood money on transportation when the mass murdering of Christians time comes."
Not everyone likes war, especially when your own family is dying to fight for people who protest them. but when the past wars were at hand, we had to support the president to stay alive. some people grow up and other peole just get older, i guess.
2007-02-11 18:04:12
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Uh huh, things are going so well that we should absolutely continue what we're doing. Keep Americans right in the middle of civil war that WE unleashed, brave soldiers without proper armor and numbers, like ducks in shooting gallery. Terrorists are "lying in wait" for us to leave? Dude, have you checked the news from any other source except Faux News lately? How many helicopters have been brought down this week - 7? Yeah, they're just waiting for their chance...
I don't blame Bush, btw - he's absolutely devoid of the intelligence necessary to scratch his butt, much less mastermind this fiasco. I don't want to see him impeached though, because of two words: President Cheney. He's the soulless Satan behind the worst mistake the U.S. has ever, ever made.
2007-02-11 17:57:05
answer #6
answered by Mama Gretch 6
It sure was a mistake, don't you think, George Bush going into Iraq?
I always have this picture in my mind of little George Washington Bush dragging a hornets nest into the house and then beating it with a stick. The hornets all come out and sting everyone in the house. Then little Georgie W. says, "I cannot tell a lie. I did it to protect freedom".
In the dream, little W. runs out of the house and closes the door behind him to keep the hornets from chasing him.
Who comes into the house next is going to find some angry hornets. Lets see who has the best ideas for dealing with them, either democrat or republican.
2007-02-11 18:22:34
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
you may be right about terrorists paying closer attention to whats going on in this country than the people that live here, but as far as im concerned bush never should have made it to office and the only reason he started this war is to finish up his daddys work. and last time we had a democrat in office our country was not in debt, actually we had a surplus, and now we are 7 trillion dollars in debt, so bush needs to go, and we do need a democrat back in office.
2007-02-11 17:56:21
answer #8
answered by Over and Over 5
Dude, those who don't know their own history are condemned to relive it. They did it with Clinton and we are pussifying the country as we speak, there are no men any more, no honor exists, The Last Boyscout, huh? There are no heroes left in this world.
2007-02-11 18:19:20
answer #9
answered by Orion Quest 6
Oh my God, you're absolutely right. To hell with this free election crap- if Bush ever goes out of office, all the terrorists will attack! Lets elect him for a third term. Hell, forget about the whole term limit entirely.
Neocons. Now in children's flavors.
2007-02-11 17:52:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous