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I know that I can't spot-reduce, but what excercises can I do specifically to reduce my chest size and get rid of my front butt?

2007-02-11 15:39:05 · 5 answers · asked by Rat 7 in Health Women's Health

Front butt is a sort of ledge of fat beneath your navel that looks like a butt, only it's on your front not your rear.

2007-02-11 15:49:16 · update #1

5 answers

walking 30+ minutes a day.

2007-02-11 15:45:25 · answer #1 · answered by I have the true answer. 2 · 0 0

You can easily bring your body to perfection by doing the following yogic exercises everyday and you will see the remarkable change in you..
1. Arathamathesendrasan (reduces the folds on the side)
2. bhujangasan ( reduces the fat & creases on the back)
3. halasan ( flexes the muscles & reduces the creases)
4. dhanurasan ( flexes the muscles & reduces the creases)
5. sarvangasan ( controls the whole body to perfection)
6. mathsyasan ( increases the chest & reduces the stomach)
7. nauli kriya ( the best for stomach)
8. mayurasan ( very difficult but best for the belly )
9. bhastrika pranayanam ( breathing exercise, very best and must as this controls BP, prevent lung diseases, increases the brain power, will never get cough or cold and controls your anger and other violent emotions, brings in crimson complextion to the face etc,etc)
10. sevasan. ( This is the last exercise and this removes all the stress and strain of all the above exercises )

Do all these exercises every day in the morning before breakfast and after nature calls because both your stomach & intestines should be empty while you do this . Do it regularly for 1 month with confidence and see the magic

2007-02-11 23:41:52 · answer #2 · answered by ssmindia 6 · 1 0

I have a pretty large chest, especially since giving birth. I hate to tell you, but short of surgery, you can't reduce the weight in this area alone. You have to lose weight all over to do it, and it will happen. Just do more cardio and eat well.

Oh, and I have no idea what a front butt is. Intriguing...

2007-02-11 23:43:21 · answer #3 · answered by Elaine 5 · 0 1

Sounds like you sit on the wrong part of your body?

2007-02-11 23:42:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

And in English please ?

2007-02-11 23:41:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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