Your last question stated that you haven't even gotten your period I'm wondering how you're pregnant. SO, do you need to know what that yellow stuff is (your last question) or if it hurts to have a child?
2007-02-11 19:00:58
answer #1
answered by wrckdbike 2
Yes, it does hurt. It hurts a lot and a l lot of women say they black out the pain afterwards (or else there would be many only children out there). That being said, there is so much more than just pain. First of all, you always have the choice of an epidural or narcotic drugs. Yes, they have disadvantages( slight risks to the baby and mom, and it makes it harder to feel yourself push), but for some women, they really are the right choice. There is also natural pain coping techniques such as breathing, visualization, hot water, massage, and singing or chanting that do not take the pain away, but help you focus on things besides the pain. The pain is intense and powerful, but itlasts a relatively short amount of time,and the feeling when they hand you the baby makes it so worth it, as many moms will tell you . When I saw her, I said, "that didn't hurt too bad". Think of the pain as "pain with a purpose." So don't fear pain, because when the moment comes when you have to deal with it, most likely you will be so ready to meet your baby that you will find one way or another to cope with, minimize, or numb the pain, depending on your choice of pain management. The best way I can describe the pain is like a charlie horse coming from the center of my being, getting stronger and stronger and closer together, then as she emerged, a feeling that my vagina was burning.
2007-02-11 15:47:42
answer #2
answered by rebecca h 2
In delivering a baby there is two kind of approach. One is by having a normal delivery which is very painful for all women and second is a caesarean operation whereby a surgical incision is made through a mother's abdomen (laparotomy) and uterus (hysterotomy) to deliver one or more babies. This is painful but due to some anestesia or anesthetics your cannot feel any pain during the operation and until after anestesias effect fades.
Other pains can be attributed to abortion, accident and other third party intervention (uncontrolable or unforseen force). Sudden movement or kick of babies sometimes causes minor pains but nothing serious just feel your babys movement.
Any other Serious or minor pain may be possible under certain illness totally foreign from pregnancy.
2007-02-11 15:50:01
answer #3
answered by art_wur 3
It does...
once u get the epidural not so much...don't wait to long to get it...don't get it too soon either...
It will either ware off if too soon or
It will be too late for you to have it...speak with you dr. about this...
After you are in pain if they cut you...this is an option most people don't know about...
They cut me then stitched me and that was the most pain I had after. Once the epidural wore off and I had to walk to the restroom and trying to walk and trying to sit and get up and wipe and the whole process. Was very uncomfortable the first day...
Make sure to have tucks med pads...and dermaplast(dont know the spelling)...Helps the itching and some pain.
The contractions we very painful (for hours)before. But the worst part was numbed because of the epidural.
I would do it again in a heart beat!
2007-02-11 15:51:25
answer #4
answered by MV 2
Well duh. But you don't have to suffer. You can get an epideral. Of course it hurts to have a baby. The back labor is the worst, but that is why they have pain medication. Being a mom far outweighs any pain you may experience. It may be an hour or it could be days, in the end, you are blessed with a beautiful child, and the pain will be just a memory. Enjoy spending time with your child, and have fun. Take lots of pictures. Never be too serious.
2007-02-11 15:44:01
answer #5
answered by godre 4
each woman is unique so each being pregnant would be too. I easily have a chum who had a incredibly uncomplicated being pregnant and did no longer bypass by using too lots soreness yet she went by using 36 hours of exertions on the top. Myself on the different hand am dealing with some very uncomfortable situations. consistent morning ailment, terrible heartburn, fatigue, hemorrhoids, constipation etc.. you call it I have been given it.. Im now putting out to swell at week 36. And enable me tell ya having that greater weight centred on one section makes each thing uncomfortable and my hips consistently experience out of place. i've got not reached the birthing technique yet however so we are able to be certain. yet like I suggested all and sundry is diverse. Oh and as earlier stated while the infant gets in those good kicks those can harm or pinch if she hits nerves.
2016-10-02 00:04:29
answer #6
answered by ? 3
I have two children, yes it hurts but the pain subsides as soon as the baby is placed on your chest and you see how wonderful a thing it is. Don't scare yourself, you have a long time till your baby is born enjoy the pregnancy first. Wait for that first movement. The butterflies... I wish you all the best.
2007-02-11 15:42:59
answer #7
answered by ambergarlets 2
truthfully, yes, of course its going to hurt but you will be able to be put on some meds that will definitly help you out. this is no reason to become scared though, mostly everyone goes through child-bearing in their life and are happy when the baby is born and usually even have more kids! it is going to hurt, but theres a reason for pain and its so that when there isnt pain you can enjoy it more, when the babys born!
2007-02-11 15:44:34
answer #8
answered by Lil_Miss 1
Im not gonna lie yes it does hurt to have a baby at first its just like getting period pains and then it gets worse. The pain is different for everyone but everyone has different pain thresholds. Just be brave if not just take gas and air.
2007-02-12 01:55:36
answer #9
answered by shorty 1
There is numbing meds they give you when the baby comes out you don't feel much but the contractions can hurt
2007-02-11 15:41:10
answer #10
answered by sara69251 3