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I'm 5'3" and 98-100 pounds. I really want to loose some weight, I'm musclur but I still have fat (I know everyone has to have some fat) but I really want to be skinnier. My friends say I'm skinny but I dont really think I am. I'm only thirteen, so what could I do to loose weight/ gain more muscles; I really wanna get deeper abs. Any ideas? Exercises? Eating plans? Advise? Thanks!

2007-02-11 15:30:10 · 37 answers · asked by ツV3GG!E4L!F3☮ 5 in Health Women's Health

also will weight loose or anything effect periods?

2007-02-11 15:33:03 · update #1

37 answers

First off, you sound like you are slender to begin with. Don't focus on weight because muscle weighs more than fat. If you want to become more toned and muscular, try to exercise at least 4 days a week. Running will help keep you healthy and very toned, and doing light weights will also help your muscles. Whatever you do, don't try to starve yourself, skip meals, or eat too few calories. All that will accomplish is convincing your body that you are starving and your metabolism will slow down, causing your body to store as much fat as possible. Try to eat 5-6 small healthy meals a day instead of gorging yourself on 3 big meals. Also, cutting out soda pop will help a ton! Lots of water, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats will keep you healthy.

Also, you said that everyone thinks you are really skinny but you don't.... if you have insecurities about your body, don't try to keep everything in. Find someone you trust to talk to, or even find a counselor to help you when you need it.

Good luck with everything!

2007-02-11 15:41:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi. I'm 14 (almost 15) and i can tell you that i am pretty weird about my weight too. I'm about 114 pounds at this moment and always think that i could get lower but there is good and bad ways to doing that. The best way, although you may not see FAST improvement, would be to exercise, this would make you more muscular and ab exercises are good to getting your abs better. they hurt for a while though lol. i would go for exercises because eating plans can sometimes leave you still hungry and it ends up being a issue of weather you are getting enough food or not. be sure to think about it :).

2007-02-11 15:38:11 · answer #2 · answered by Lil_Miss 1 · 0 0

You are at a perfect weight I am 5'3 and 100 lbs, don't diet just tone up if you want to because it can easily become an obsession and develop into an eating disorder. You don't want to have your hair fall out, your teeth turn yellow and lose your life being obsessed about your weight. Exercise and toning up will make you feel good about yourself but you don't need to lose weight you will only get sick and stunt your growth. I know it's not what you want to hear but I should know really.

{Edit} Because you are already thin if you lose weight your period will get irregular as well.

2007-02-11 15:36:08 · answer #3 · answered by noxmoreliesx 1 · 0 0

You can go on a diet with few fats and carbs but still eat alot of food. Lay off any junk food or drinks and stick to nutritional healthy foods and sometimes junk about 4 times a month. Also do more excercising like bike riding, swimming, jogging, walking, aerobics, and sports. NEVER be a couch potatoe and do things around the house where you are not sitting on the sofa alot. Try not to stress cause that causes people to eat alot and become overweight.
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2007-02-11 16:12:07 · answer #4 · answered by valerie h 2 · 0 0

To successfully lose weight, you must carry out
a plan to balance your caloric intake with exercise.
Ideally, dieting should be done by eating a nutritionally
balanced, low-calorie diet and increasing physical activity.
I found useful informations at

2007-02-12 01:22:36 · answer #5 · answered by m 2 · 0 0

I've lost 5 kilos in my first week. It's my 10th day and I have included salad with some protein (eg. egg/ lean chicken) as you suggested. After 4 years of trying, the fat is finally coming off. It truly feels like magic!

Get started today!

2016-05-20 01:52:40 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i'm 18 and characteristic been obese for a protracted time. attempt via taking small steps first, like no longer ingesting something yet water. Or in case you dont like water mixture it with a tiny little bit of juice or sprite, and so on. exercising, ingesting much less energy than you burn on your sleep clearly, and so on. are the main suitable the thank you to shed extra pounds

2016-11-03 05:11:24 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

40 minutes of martial arts

2017-03-16 08:40:18 · answer #8 · answered by Stephanie 3 · 0 0

swap out brown rice or quinoa yes even the new super food which both add up to about 220 calories per cup for cauliflower or roasted peppers that are only about 30 calories per cup

2015-12-29 17:30:08 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

purchase an under desk pedaling machine like the stamina 15 0125 instride folding cycle 70 stamina products com

2015-12-19 20:55:22 · answer #10 · answered by Flora 3 · 0 0

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