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I have never had a normal period...I can go 5 months at a time without one then have one for 2 weeks! But I have never had a period as heavy as I am now...for about 4 days now I have a had a very heavy period, going through the big tampons in like an hour or so and going through pads...could there be something wrong or is this normal? Like I said I have never really had what I would asume a "normal" period! help!!!

2007-02-11 15:06:47 · 5 answers · asked by softball_whitney_04 3 in Health Women's Health

I don't have a gynocologist (spelling?)...I am not sexually active and don't have a desire to be put on the pill (I don't like taking meds!) and really going a few months without a period (since I am not sexually active) isn't bad at all :) But I do understand what everyone is saying and if this happens much longer or again then I definatly will! This all brings uo another question...I am 21 and haven't went and seen a gynocologist?!? Is it really all that bad since I haven't ever been sexually active?

2007-02-11 15:28:47 · update #1

5 answers

Asking a gynecologist may not help. Ask your doctor to do a thyroid test; it may be low. A gynecologist with a good reputation, in Dallas, could not find any reason for my heavy flow, so I asked him to do a thyroid test. How low was it? "The lowest I've ever seen..." I think many hysterectomies are done that might not have to be. He put me back on thyroid tablets and to take iron for anemia from blood loss.

2007-02-13 05:49:03 · answer #1 · answered by jelmar106 5 · 0 0

A normal period is the first 2-3 days are heavy/moderate. Then the last two days are light. pereaps are you on any contrceptive pill or anything because that can eregulate a cycle. I will tell your gynocologist that you are having this problem.

2007-02-11 23:22:18 · answer #2 · answered by greenburg603 4 · 0 0

I agree, you need to talk to your doctor about this. Even if you weren't having one this heavy (which sounds awful! poor you!), having a period that lasts for two weeks isn't healthy. If you don't already have a gynecologist, you should ask your primary care doctor for a referral. You may be prescribed oral contraceptives to help your periods be more regular.

2007-02-11 23:23:05 · answer #3 · answered by cg17 4 · 0 0

Go see a doctor and tell them about this and the chances are that they will put you on the contraceptive pill as this helps with heavy flows and the pain that comes with it

2007-02-11 23:10:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to talk to a gynecologist.

2007-02-11 23:11:22 · answer #5 · answered by Old guy 124 6 · 0 0

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