A silicon chip that contains a CPU. In the world of personal computers, the terms microprocessor and CPU are used interchangeably. At the heart of all personal computers and most workstations sits a microprocessor. Microprocessors also control the logic of almost all digital devices, from clock radios to fuel-injection systems for automobiles.
Three basic characteristics differentiate microprocessors:
Instruction set: The set of instructions that the microprocessor can execute.
bandwidth : The number of bits processed in a single instruction.
clock speed : Given in megahertz (MHz), the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the processor can execute.
In both cases, the higher the value, the more powerful the CPU. For example, a 32-bit microprocessor that runs at 50MHz is more powerful than a 16-bit microprocessor that runs at 25MHz.
In addition to bandwidth and clock speed, microprocessors are classified as being either RISC (reduced instruction set computer) or CISC (complex instruction set computer).
2007-02-11 20:33:02
answer #1
answered by naveen2philip 2
A microprocessor (sometimes abbreviated µP) is a programmable digital electronic component that incorporates the functions of a central processing unit (CPU) on a single semiconducting integrated circuit (IC). The microprocessor was born by reducing the word size of the CPU from 32 bits to 4 bits, so that the transistors of its logic circuits would fit onto a single part. One or more microprocessors typically serve as the CPU in a computer system, embedded system, or handheld device.
Microprocessors made possible the advent of the microcomputer in the mid-1970s. Before this period, electronic CPUs were typically made from bulky discrete switching devices (and later small-scale integrated circuits) containing the equivalent of only a few transistors. By integrating the processor onto one or a very few large-scale integrated circuit packages (containing the equivalent of thousands or millions of discrete transistors), the cost of processor power was greatly reduced. Since the advent of the IC in the mid-1970s, the microprocessor has become the most prevalent implementation of the CPU, nearly completely replacing all other forms.
The evolution of microprocessors has been known to follow Moore's Law when it comes to steadily increasing performance over the years. This law suggests that the complexity of an integrated circuit, with respect to minimum component cost, doubles every 24 months. This dictum has generally proven true since the early 1970s. From their humble beginnings as the drivers for calculators, the continued increase in power has led to the dominance of microprocessors over every other form of computer; every system from the largest mainframes to the smallest handheld computers now uses a microprocessor at its core.
2007-02-12 08:19:08
answer #2
answered by ARMAN 2
The microprocessor is the heart of the computer.It is a chip which performs binary and logical operations.
All the additions,subtractions is done in the microprocessor.
It can be programmed to do a particular operation.
2007-02-12 01:40:34
answer #3
answered by suganya M 1
it is a programmable,logic device which takes data as input ,processes it and gives the required output.u can corelate it withur computer cpu.as u give input through input deviceslike keyboard or monitor, cpu processes it and gives the required out put thru output devices like the monitor or printer etc.
u'll find best onthis in this book
"microprocessors"by r.k gaykwad , prentice hall of india
2007-02-11 22:36:25
answer #4
answered by rocky 1
A small electronic device that can process binary functions, i.e. a computer
2007-02-11 22:34:08
answer #5
answered by Michael D 2
A gadget that processes microchips.
2007-02-11 22:34:31
answer #6
answered by Kool-kat 4
a teeny weeny blender !
2007-02-11 22:39:32
answer #7
answered by Jester 4
a processor which has numerous activities all in one.
2007-02-11 23:03:14
answer #8
answered by WILTON NORONHA 2