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I am practically off my period, just a bit of dried blood, and spotting, but not a flow. However, I have an appointment tomorrow at 4 pm, and I don't know if I should cancel and make another appt. a few days later, or just go tomorrow?

2007-02-11 13:43:25 · 4 answers · asked by Tifferkins 3 in Health Women's Health

4 answers

It'll be fine!

You should call the office and check just to be sure (they might have specific policies) but it should be alright.

My doctor won't schedule appointments during my period, because a PAP smear involves swabbing for fluids, and it's much more difficult to get a good amount of these fluids if it's mixed in with a lot of blood.
A lot of women find themselves spotting when they go on the pill, and they can have gynecological exams no problem - as long as it's not an obtrusive amount of blood, you're okay.

What might help you feel more comfortable, and maybe make it easier for the doctor, is to take a bath before the appointment. Don't use scented soaps or anything, but the water can help flush out the area and get rid of any dried blood.

2007-02-11 13:54:59 · answer #1 · answered by Apostrotastrophe 4 · 0 0

Call the office and ask.

Some Gyns will not take a pap even if you're only spotting. They can't get an accurate pap when there is blood there. I was told this by a Gyn.

Check to be sure.

2007-02-11 21:51:19 · answer #2 · answered by Nancy 6 · 0 0

You can do a pap smear anytime, period or none. Go ahead with the appointment! Tissue is tissue, and a little blood is simply blood. They don't (usually) care and it's not a big deal especially if your at the tail end of your period.

2007-02-11 21:48:51 · answer #3 · answered by elle 2 · 0 0

Go ahead and go, they will be able to do the pap. I have had it done before during my period. But if you're still doubtfull, call the doctor's office to be sure.

2007-02-11 22:42:31 · answer #4 · answered by Donna J 4 · 0 0

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