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If I make out with a guy I often *** before my pants even come off. I always try to pretend nothing is happening because I am embarassed. Sometimes I think it is obvious though. My eyes look watery and I just feel like it is so obvious.

I also one had one when I got off the bike at the gym. Standing there in the middle of a room. It's really not funny. I am being serious.
Is this really odd? I have always been this way since like 16.

2007-02-11 13:19:21 · 8 answers · asked by Esperenza 3 in Health Women's Health

8 answers

Don't even worry about it, it happens to me too. Think about it some woman can't even have orgasms, and don't know the pleasure of it. Sure we orgasm easily. That's a whole lot better than not having one at all. I had one not to long ago from sitting on a chair too long, and then standing up quickly. The bikes at the gym get me often too. (Spin class) Enjoy it!

2007-02-11 13:59:14 · answer #1 · answered by Nerds Rule! 6 · 0 0

You don't know how extremely lucky you are. Enjoy yourself. There are a lot of women who have never had an orgasm or cannot reach orgasm. You seems to be able to do it just by something touching your crotch or thinking about it. Not bad. And getting off just thinking about doing a guy, well, just enjoy it. Hopefully he'll appreciate you having an orgasm and will cause you to have 4 or 5 more while you're in the middle of things. I bet if he started putting his head in your crotch, you'd be cumming before he got his tongue to your kitty. So don't worry about it, just enjoy it.

2007-02-12 02:01:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Holy smoke.
Perhaps try and get it out of your system, you know, errm, find a private spot and see what you can really do.
A bit of regular effort and it might fade off some, or at least become a little more controlled... so you're left with the enjoyment but not the embarrassment?!

2007-02-11 22:18:04 · answer #3 · answered by Jarvis 2 · 0 0

Never heard anything wrong about too many orgasms. If I were you, I'd sit back, relax, and enjoy! I'm sure your boyfriend will be very proud of himself for making you orgasm without even trying--trust me, they LOVE being able to make their girl reach big "O". It's like an ego-boost if you know what I mean.

2007-02-11 22:00:13 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, there's nothing wrong with you. There are far too many women who have never learned to orgasm and they are very, very envious of you.

Just relax and enjoy. And keep this in mind - every time that orgasm with your partner, you are making him feel as though he's the best lover on the planet.

2007-02-11 21:33:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

nothing wrong with that honey , I like a woman that can get that wet ,just thinking about sex .

2007-02-12 10:14:10 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't worry about it. Enjoy yourself.

2007-02-11 21:47:03 · answer #7 · answered by aqx99 6 · 0 0

no problem. it's ok.
just enjoy it

2007-02-11 22:10:44 · answer #8 · answered by amara 1 · 0 0

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