These people's mindsets and ideas are always on the wrong side of history and are almost always intended to hurt our great nation. Yes, these people would love a nuclear winter for the reasons you have stated, as liberals are often suicidal and love both abortion and euthanasia. They lack logic and the mental processing capabilities necessary to come up with a rational thought or see the dangers in their ridiculous talking points. Where conservatives are cool-headed and base their arguments on facts, liberals repeat nonsensical crap so many times that they begin to believe their own nonsense. Sure a nuclear was would be a terrific thing in their eyes, as they would be able to witness the euthanasia of the entire human race. That is a terrific endgame for civilization in their view.
How about a best answer?
2007-02-11 13:20:03
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
A few human lives? What planet do you live on? All humans must go. The Dams, the mills, the cars, there Bush's. No tree hugging liberal will be satisfied until we are eradicated.
News flash lib's. The temperature of the earth has gone up .07% of one degree in 100 years. Our nations economy has increased by 1800%. I say that is a good trade.
2007-02-11 13:26:36
answer #2
answered by Joe P 2
What ARE you smoking? Who has dripped poison into your mind? I know I'm meaner than you...ex-green beret, forty years' martial arts training, lots of jobs being PAID to be mean, and yet I'm not and never have been so to ask what you did.
1)since you have no idea of what liberals do think, and you probably have NEVER seen a real liberal, and until you personally have met and interviewed EVERY liberal left on the planet, you are lying! you assume you know what the opinions of EVERY one of them. That's impossible, you know. How could you be so ignorant?
I am a LIBERAL! I will kill for your freedom! I will take up arms for my country. Like most of the liberals I know, I ALREADY have.
Like most of today's so-called conservative leaders, who HAVEN'T, you're full of talk. I think you lack real-world experience.
Youhave the right to your opinion, BUT even a four year old child who can talk thinks he or she has a right to be heard, but that opinion, if it's about anything important,such as whether to pet the crocodile or driving the car or where to point the very nearly insane.
To prove that I'm meaner than you: I think you should be drafted immediately. By the time you get through basic, if you do, you'll probably have less BS in your brain and be a dependable ally.
To prove that I'm meaner than you: I used to half-heartedly wish that Osama and gang would set off a small bomb in San Francisco! why? so the birkenstock wearing ex-hippie friends of mine would real the threat to them, too, is, and how we are all in this situation together, and yes, there are bad guys out there.
But you! do you drive a car? can you count? keep a checkbook balanced? I guess those are all pretty low level thinking skills. Maybe you just need more life experience, and maybe you need to meet a few more real people instead of just listening to total hired actors like Rusty Limbaugh and other professional liars.
I certainly hope, whatever your age, that you grow up. I do NOT wish that you have "Peace, man," in your life: I wish you a clear understanding of what good and evil are, and that you spend your life in active involvement in the struggle AGAINST evil. But repeating others lies and dribbling evil thoughts toward half of your fellow American citizens, without any true experience of what we think? you are working for the political equivalent of
some antiChrist/antiAmerican plot, AND YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW IT.
In a few years you may wake up about that. Or you might find it out right away. It's OK: just apologize and get to work making all our lives better. Stop crying and whining about stuff that didn't happen, won't happen, and is a total fantasy, baby. Start hanging out with some real grownups, you'll be OK eventually.
2007-02-11 13:34:17
answer #3
answered by Slim W 1
Every time you post a question, I absolutely have to read it.
It gives me a laugh every time.
Not at what you say but how much of an idiot you are.
I love how you always are just making some retarded assumption, never actually asking a question (the entire point of this site).
Actually, liberals are constantly fighting to rid the world of nuclear weaponry. So the point you made is irrelevant.
Also, it takes a lot more than one nuclear blast to case a nuclear winter.
The gasses in the atmosphere and the blockage of sunlight into the Earth will be much worse than Global Warming, killing all of the trees, along with all human beings.
I guess I should give you thanks.
You do reaffirm all of my beliefs every time you get on here making some pathetic attempt at being intelligent.
2007-02-11 13:24:01
answer #4
answered by Dr. Bradley 3
Global Warming is a natural phenomenon that has been going on in such a way and for such a long time that is much beyond your short attention span as a human being. As for the "undoing" Global Warmings' effects, the reality is quite to the contrary to your statement. The human impact on Global Warming has only been fastening it's effects on the world. What the human condition ought to really be focusing on is "Global Dimming".
2007-02-11 13:22:44
answer #5
answered by mack_cali 2
I think they would care if we got bombed if they really believed in the threat. I am somewhat liberal, somewhat not,,but I do believe IRAN is a threat to us,,this weekend they were chanting death to america while their president talked of PEACEFUL nuclear energy...
Last year they all held similar signs, with death to israel and america on them,,and also, WAIT TIL YOU SEE THE NEXT HOLOCAUST..I think a few copies of those pictures on our internet freeway signs,,would change liberal mind.
2007-02-11 14:09:11
answer #6
answered by Kathy 2
Congratulations. You have once again proved beyond all doubt that liberals have absolutely NO sense of humor. I, however, got some very good laughs from both the question & some of the answers. Keep up the good work.
BTW, thanks for shedding light on libs motivation. It has long been a mystery to me.
2007-02-11 13:44:33
answer #7
answered by yupchagee 7
Because Iran will only bomb the RedsStates.
The Reds have been telling the whole world that all the targets are in the RedsStates for the last year. Now all those bombs will be coming home to roost.
Go big Red Go
2007-02-11 13:18:47
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Correction if I may, President Bush is doing enough to make himself look bad that he needs no help. We don't care if you get bombed, we do however care about America and your statement is outrageous. I also must note your disdain for reality is palatable. It's nice to see your calming effect on people with your questions.
2007-02-11 13:23:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
This qualifies for stupid question.I like your thinking.Nuke em soon.SAVE THE TREES
2007-02-11 13:16:57
answer #10
answered by stratoframe 5