First and foremost, you are a smart lady to get a second opinion. My Grandmother lost a breast to cancer and went back to work as a nurse and that was before I was born ( she passed away from a return match with stomach cancer when I was 15.)My Aunt had breast cancer too and she is a two time cancer survivor. I suggest you fight with every weapon the doctors have including alternative medicines. I also suggest you get involved with a breast cancer support group.. they have been there and can be the best source of information and opinions. As much as you might want not to ..... slow down during your healing time... put yourself first and you will beat this!!! Good luck!!! Keep the faith and remember: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift . That is why it is called the present.....
2007-02-11 13:02:30
answer #1
answered by stephanie p 4
I am very sorry to hear of this.Best of luck and you should get in touch with the Cancer Society and they will hook you up with someone to talk to and give you the emotional support you will need during your long and hard battle ahead.As for your past doctors attitude there is nothing you can do really as it is your responsibility to look out for you. If you don't agree with your doctors opinion and feel something is wrong or of concern to you you must seek the answer and get a second opinion,or a third, or a forth.......Do not stop until you find out the info you need.Contact a lawyer to see if there is anything you can do as I'm not a lawyer and things may have changed since my mothers botched diagnosis. There are many women that have survived this type of cancer and hopefully you will be one. As for the little one who says she is 14 --Do your self breast exams because many teenage girls are being diagnosed all the time. Any way...the best of luck,and keep hope alive because you can beat this as I have a best friend who had a similar diagnosis and had a double mastectomy 2 years ago and is doing very well.
2007-02-11 14:37:58
answer #2
answered by Miz Val 3
Breast cancer treatment is improving every year. If you have a family history of breast cancer or if you are younger than average with this diagnosis, make sure to ask your doctor about BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations. If he or she hasn't heard of this mutation, find another doctor. About 15% of reproductive cancers can be attributed to this genetic mutation and it may affect ovaries as well. My mom survived breast cancer twice. She had this mutation but didn't know soon enough. It was a third primary ovarian cancer later in her life that proved deadly. You CAN get through this. Get the surgery from a surgeon that you trust -someone with the most experience you can find. There are also excellent reconstruction options for later on if that is important to you. I've heard good things about a website called FORCE for online support. When it comes to breast cancer there is loads and loads of hope and options available. Hope hope hope hope hope!!!
Light to you.
2007-02-11 15:01:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I dont think this really will help and Im not meaning to be a smart ***. But I hope you know that there are many people out there suffering the same thing as you. All I want to do is support you. My freinds mother does a breast cancer walk each year so I hope you know we care. Im sure you are going to survive this and just go with regular everyday activities. Keep in mind WE CARE!!!!
2007-02-11 13:01:54
answer #4
answered by ~Jules~ 2
Take a vacation. Go to a large city and go to a university hospital and ask to see an oncologist. You need people who have experience treating this. You may be too far along for a lumpectomy, but there is life after mastectomy. Here in Portland OR, there are cancer survivor support groups. as there is in many large cities. Be prepared for surgery as necessary, radiation or chemo. I have known some women who continued to work through it all. It will take time to recover. Good luck. My wife is on her third year now.
2007-02-11 12:59:16
answer #5
answered by jekin 5
I'm pretty sure you could sue your orginal doctor. By telling you there was nothing wrong, he put you in a position in which your life is at risk.
I haven't suffered from breast cancer personally. I'm only fourteen. My mother didn't have hers diagnosed right away and she died a few months ago. My aunt, on the other hand, was able to fight hers. I'm guessing you'll be fine. My mom was fifty-five when she found out about her's and she'd had it since she was fifteen (or so they estimated).
2007-02-11 12:51:11
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I know how stressful this is for you. Seems like you have a stageIII breast cancer, for which the survival rate is near 70%, which is really good. Also remeber that new treatments come up one after another tese days. You might find contacting these support groups helpful:
2007-02-11 13:10:38
answer #7
answered by flower girl 2
My mom is a 24 year breast cancer survivor. She volunteers for the local cancer society in a program called Reach to Recovery. It is a sort of mentoring program for women (and men) with breast cancer. Check into it.
2007-02-11 12:55:09
answer #8
answered by aqx99 6
hi ;) Im so sorry to take heed to about your grandma. wish she is nice. X playstation in my college next time period, we are fundraising and elevating expertise about breast maximum cancers. There are also docs who carry out breast assessments who visit usually and all the moms interior the faculty are made conscious of this.
2016-11-27 02:25:54
answer #9
answered by ? 3
I know one of my teachers that just recovered from breast cancer...she's one of the most optimistic people i know....don't worry....breast cancer is nothing to be afraid's not nearly as dangerous as i used to be....calm will be fine...honestly....there are mmmmmannny things they can do to get rid of it.......things like this also make you appreciate life more. :)
2007-02-11 12:59:47
answer #10
answered by Anonymous