u cannot.
2007-02-11 17:28:27
answer #1
answered by Desire` 3
I don't think there are any healthy ways to get rid of your period. Malutrition causes your period to stop, but the health risks far out way that option. Be careful if you do find a way that it wont cause you to become infertile.
Having your period is a natural part of growing into a woman, everyone sufferes through it. I know it's uncomfortable but you have to learn to live with it.
2007-02-11 12:28:49
answer #2
answered by jo 5
Good Lord honey! As a healthcare provider I'm worried about a question like that. Having a period may not be great in alot of ways....but it's part of being a woman. There are medications that can allow us to have fewer periods that are safe to take. But I'm concerned as to why you would think like this. Sometimes it is this kind of thinking that leads girls to become anorexic.....they quit eating so the loss of fat takes away signs of being a woman and eventually the loss of fat makes periods stop. Also....eventually...your life stops too. Not such a good process....Please speak to someone. What's going on with you really?
2007-02-11 12:23:27
answer #3
answered by tlbrown42000 6
without medicine dont think you can, unless your body is in deep stress and injury. i was 20 when i lost my period for about 5months and i was in a bad accident and lots of trauma doctors were not sure if it was coming back or not but it did. if you dont want a period control it with birth control and you will have less if you want but thats medicine. what a weird question
2007-02-11 13:11:05
answer #4
answered by marynew8 3
By waiting to hit menopause :). You can't get rid of it. The only things that can are medicines like the depo shot (birth control)
2007-02-11 13:28:35
answer #5
answered by Mandy 6
You can't. But you can regulate it with birth control - I don't know how old you are or if you are sexually active, but birth control regulates your period so that you know when you are getting it instead of it being irregular and spontaneous like mine was for so many years.
but unfortunately, you can't just get rid of it, and if you could, I would have already found out how. lol
2007-02-11 12:21:20
answer #6
answered by hello_butterfly13 1
Your a woman. You can not just get rid of your period. first it is health to not have a period for no reason. Everyone hates them... But learn to live with it.
2007-02-11 12:15:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
even with medicine you cant get rid of it.........who gave you the idea that you can??
2007-02-11 12:25:11
answer #8
answered by the idiot down the road 4
you could get a sex change operation. or get pregnant. become bulemic, run 40 miles a day,get pregnant or kick off. choose your favorite!
2007-02-11 12:17:23
answer #9
answered by Alison 1
unless you spead up ur life, into ur 50s you cant
2007-02-11 12:22:07
answer #10
answered by ♣BrownEyedBeauty♣ 4