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Well, it all started out 4 years ago when me and my brother were jumping off of swings. Yeah I know pretty dumb. But I did it and landed on the side of my foot and colapsed. Well, I couldn't walk on it for like ...3 months. In total it hurt for 1 year non stop. Now it hurts on and off but now it really hurts.I was in a different country and/or contenent and didn't go to the doctor. Pretty dumb also. Well, after that it hurt whenever I just hurt it alittle it would hurt a lot. I'm going to the doctor but I have 2 wait for my mom to get back from a trip. What does it sound like 2 u? I also heard a loud crack when I landed. Does that mean I broke it? Is it possible that I broke it and it didn't grow back corrctly? What should I do? Do u think it is serious? surgery? Im only 12 FYI.


Addisional questions

How do they re break a ankle if it doesnt grow back correctly?
Do they take it apart in surgery?
Do u have 2 stay over?

2007-02-11 12:09:06 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Women's Health

2 answers

I broke a bone in my foot landing at an angle after doing a cartwheel. And my dad didnt believe me it was broken for several days.

Have your mom take you for xrays of your foot and ankle. Hard to say where the break is. Wait until your doctor gets a chance to examine the xrays before you worry too much. Make a list of your questions and ask the doc when you visit. He/she is the best one to answer these specific questions about your foot and ankle.

Good luck.

2007-02-11 12:17:16 · answer #1 · answered by Squeegee 5 · 0 0

It sounds to me like you could have broken it, but you also could have fractured it as well. If you did, in fact, break it then yes, it might have grown back incorrectly, that's what happened to my wrist when it broke. It probubly won't require surgery, but I suggest going to a doctor as fast as you can, just in case. I'm not quite sure how if or how they rebreak ankles, but my guess is, if they do, they will give you an Anesthetic, (that is a medicine to numb you so you won't feel them rebreak the bone). Sorry, I don't have any websites to give you :-(
Hope this helps,

2007-02-11 20:19:02 · answer #2 · answered by Elizabeth B 1 · 1 0

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