Two days ago i went into Victoria Secret to purchase a new bra. They told me i was only a 32A bra. I said that seemed a little small to me and that the bra size i am now is larger then that. The lady swore to me that this was the right size bra and that the current bra i was wearing was WAY to big. Well I've been wearing the bra for 2 days now and my breasts have NEVER been so sore. My nipples feel so sore it's insane! I've never felt such pain in my breasts before. It's more on one side of my breast then the other but both sides are sore.
-When i wore the bra it felt REALLY TIGHT and almost like i couldn't breath.
-could this mean the size was to small for me??
or could it mean something else?
-i am sexually active but i am using birth control, a condom, and the pull out method.
-what do you think could it be the bra?-
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